chibi_kaz Leave me a comment by saying "Beam Me Up, Scotty!"
I'll respond by asking you five completely random questions.
Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
1) You can only have one: Cain or Hatter. Pick.
Start off with a really hard one, thanks. :p Surprisingly, I'm picking Hatter because I think I'm too level-headed for Cain. He needs someone that can keep him on his toes (Adora, DG, and Glitch all exhibit that trait). Hatter needs someone to pull him back down to Earth. Plus it'll be funny when I subconsciously pick up his accent.
2) If you could ret-con any fandom, which one and what would you change?
This is hard because for the most part, canon doesn't bother me and I usually treat my fanfics as one big "what if" scenario and invite readers to come along. However limited to movie treatments: Superman II's stupid psychic kiss. This thing has puzzled me since I first watched the movie, and since they kept it canon for Superman Returns, I can't figure out why Lois isn't freaking out that Superman date-raped her. Messing with people's brains is not one of Superman's powers, so ARGH! Make it go away!
3) If you could have complete creative control over making one movie of your favorite fandom, describe your casting & ideal production.
*Blink* I can fix Street Fighter: the Legend of Chun-Li? Casting can stay the same, had no issues there. Less Charlie "Ineffective Interpol Agent of the Century" Nash and hot Asian detective and actually SHOW Chun-Li kicking Vega's ass. And if the studio insists that Bison must die to pay for his crimes and still have a closing that sets up a sequel,
this scene is the Easter Egg behind the credits to be the true ending.
4) What's your ideal vacation destination?
Somewhere, anywhere where the humidity is under 50%. But I haven't been on a vacation in so long that wasn't off to see family, I really don't have a destination. :p I'd love to go back to Chicago and Washington D.C. with more time for all the Smithsonian museums, and Disney World. New York City, Europe, and Australia before I die.
5) What's the most unusual/potentially disgusting food you've ever eaten?
I gag every time I try sweet 'n sour dishes, but it's my reaction rather than the quality of the food. Ah but the dishes I experimented with for the medieval cooking show that never happened. Mortreaux looked awful, but tasted great. The write-ups with pictures:
Chaucerian Cooking Part 1 and
Ow! Ow! Ow! Otherwise known as Chaucerian Cooking Part 2.