Belated birthday to
kseda! I hope security was nice enough to get you cake for your birthday or that you were free enough to get your own lunch.
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erinm-4600: Comment and I'll give you a color. Then in your journal, post ten things of that color that you like. (I'll only give you a color if you specifically ask for one, so feel free to comment even if you don't want to do this meme!)
My color is orange. This is a challenge. Okay, some items might need a little explanation.
My six-year-old thinks-he's-a-jungle-cat-of-doom cat Mustard.
Byetta, the new injection my doctor just prescribed yesterday.
This adorable little kidlet is my character Hannah Davidson from
my Biker Mice From Mars Evil Jack series. BSVP drew it, I colored it, and yes her hair is orange.
Adsaluta is a minor character in
Tin Man: Dragons and Ninjas and you can't really see in her picture, but her eyes are orange.
My favorite character Haley from the webcomic
Order of the Stick. She's called a red-head, but that color is orange.
I loved this show as a kid. The movie should rot and burn in hell, with the lone exception of the scene with the Civil War renactors doing the body work to change the car into the adored version of the General Lee.
AH HA! I managed to sneak in Tin Man again!
The Iceland volcano just because this picture is cool!
I know, no orange in the picture. This is the
Bilge Pumps, a group of singing pirates. Ever since they recorded "Donkey Riding," it has been a running gag to make sure Squeegy keeps getting towns named "Orange." Even when there are no towns named "Orange" in the state.
What meme based on orange is complete without orange or orange juice? So here's a picture of the stuff I don't eat or drink!
Now is there anything else I'm forgetting about today?