I spent last week in Texas, visiting the family over there and leaving my mother behind to man that fort when my sister has to go back to Dallas for more training on her new job. But it reinforced something writers with kids have probably already learned: it's nigh impossible to write smut with pre-teens running around. So no writing it while they're up and about and needing a referee (really my nephew's sport balls collection has no idea how lucky it was that I left my sword at home). No writing after they went to bed because I was exhausted and went to bed thirty minutes later. No writing in the morning because Mom had a list of things to do that I had to drive her to get done. I was counting on writing two chapters and I barely managed two paragraphs.
Luckily, since I drove home alone, I was able to finish the smutty portions of the scene when I stopped for meal breaks. And that's all I want to talk about that twelve-hour drive. No, Austin isn't that far away from home and I don't know what happened to my progress between Houston and Lafayette. I do know what happened between Lafayette and Baton Rouge, and why can't we have a dedicated radio station for traffic like other states manage to have?
Really not talking about it now. On to good stuff. I paid my car off with last paycheck in February.
Alas, Rizzo is not Lola and I don't work for the un-secret spy organization. As a treat, I planned an Ikea shopping trip on my first paycheck in March and bought a new dresser and a new computer desk.
I don't have any pictures of it assembled in my house because I just finished putting it and the computer back together last night and I still don't know what to do with the rest of the office. I had two short bookcases making a wall and supporting the old desk and I'm liking how the room flows without the half-wall. But the shelves and the books have to go somewhere.
And because this is me and I can find a complaint about anything, why design the desk that you have to screw the shelves to brackets upside down? I decided against putting on the SIGNUM cable trunking attachment because it meant more screwing upside-down. And also because I discovered I still haven't bought a replacement battery for the computer and will have to rearrange all the wires again. Next issue is my computer system. To save money, I reused my monitor and discovered that the data cord gives the screen a lovely green tint. All I had to do to fix it was shift the cord on my old set-up. Now the cord is stretched so tight, no shifting is available. So buy a new backup battery and a new monitor cord to finish off the computer shuffle.
So far, all the computer equipment fits on the new desk including the LaserJet printer. That gives me full table space to use as my writing desk. I would have tried it out last night, but Mustard hurt his foot and claimed my office chair as his bed and I couldn't be mean to my sick cat.