Gustav blew through here the beginning of September 2008, I took a picture of the house and the debris filled yard, and there is no Incredible Hulk Shelving Unit at that point. So Mom must have closed the shop at some point in 2009. So it has waited for three years to get off my porch. Three years of the particleboard soaking up Louisiana humidity and rain, because my porch doesn't have walls, that is now over thanks to this weekend and me proving I'm a masochist yet again.
It was an ambitious makeover plan, especially since the only worker was me.
- Put everything that belongs to Mom in the parents' garage since Uncle Scott made room
- Throw away decrepit bench
- Nail up cable wire so it's not wrapped around my furniture
- Screw table legs to desk and make a real table out of it
- Price bistro chairs for new desk
- Sand rocking chairs and polyurethane for protection
- Turn cedar log into a side table for rocking chairs
I just set myself up with a Flickr account to better display pictures on my website, but I'm using it in the blogs too.
Front Porch Makeover with all my commentary is already set up. You see a hint of what I took in
this post, but I don't like how it goes off under the sidebar.
My father finally noticed what was going on when I was getting the base, the one on wheels into the garage. We still call it the garage, but my parents boxed it into a huge room a decade ago now and shrank the doors down to people-sized. I had the shelf on its side, the all-thread screws that I was calling rebar bent to get in the door, and I was pulling it in. Dad came out the front door and surprised me. "What are you doing?"
"I'm auditioning for Super Fucking Girl, what does it look like I'm doing! And I can bend rebar."
"That's not rebar."
"Shut up, I'm not burning this goddamned shelving unit because it belongs to Mom even though it's ruined." I don't know if it was my extra-growly voice that did it, but the base of the shelving unit finally went inside then, and I found my cheerfulness again.
Saturday's results:
- Put everything that belongs to Mom in the parents' garage since Uncle Scott made room
- Throw away decrepit bench
- Nail up cable wire so it's not wrapped around my furniture
- Screw table legs to desk and make a real table out of it
- Price bistro chairs for new desk
- Sand rocking chairs and polyurethane for protection
- Turn cedar log into a side table for rocking chairs
- Buy a bistro table and chairs set. Must have a top I can write on.
Sunday, I moved onto project number two and learned a valuable lesson. Lesson: schedule a damn day to rest over the weekend! Project number two was framing the hatch to the attic and cutting a door to properly fit the hatch. Sounds so simple, but it ate up so much of my time and energy that nothing else got done, including picking up my power tools from the back porch. If my circular saw has been stolen when I get home, I'll be pissed to say the least.
New attic door Flickr set. Please read the commentary, you don't get the full measure of how insane I got without it.
The good news is none of my power tools were stolen by the time I got home and I managed to do very little with cleaning up the tools. Today is my running around day. I have paperwork to take to my credit union, computer parts to drop off at the recyclers (which I tried to do yesterday and got lost), and table legs to return to Lowe's. Then back to organizing the back porch and the rest of my house work. I can't let it wait until the weekend because I'm scheduled to go to my baby sister's and help her with bride things. And that's a funny story for another post. Remember to put the massage mat that can go into a car on the seat by Friday.