Yeah, I have transferred everything over to this account so I have full privileges. I doubt I will post much to this journal since I already have
Intentionally Left Blank, but if you could leave a message that you found me, that would be great.
1. My username is ______ because ______.
My username is KLCtheBookWorm because I will never face the risk of Mary Sue with it. I am a bookworm, have been since I learned to read. This led to turning into a writer at age 11. I started with original stories, and then started fanfiction in 1992. I didn’t publish any on the Internet until 1998, after I had selected “Cassandra” as my Gargoyles fandom handle and had roleplayed the character in the forums. I wrote up her story because first and foremost, she is a character I invented for that universe, and published it under “Cassandra” because that was my handle. The first review I got back happily chirped that the reader had loved it because “Cassandra wasn’t a Mary Sue.” Once I found the definition of Mary Sue, I changed all my Internet activities to a handle that I wouldn’t use for a character name.
2. My name is _____ because ______.
My name is Kindra because Mom found it in a book. it is usually spelled “Kendra,” but I think she tweaked it. “Krista” was also a possibility, but my second sister ended up with it.
3. My journal is titled ____ because ____.
My journal is titled “Always the Last One to the Party” because it takes FOREVER to convince me to try something new.
4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.
My friends page is called “Other Party Attendees” because they got here first.
5. My default userpic is ____ because ____.
My default userpic is
because it was a gift from Mama Morning in the Biker Mice From Mars fandom. and I didn’t want to use my BookWorm logo as my blog and forum avatar.
name Kindra
age 32
location Hammond, Louisiana
occupation Insurance Specialist II at the Department of Insurance
partner none
kids none
siblings two sisters
pets Mustard, my cat
list the 3 biggest things going on in your life
- Graduating with my Master of Arts on Dec. 12
- Getting my budget under control
- 365,000 fiction words written in 2010
parents Have two, and they live right next door
And I will never compose an HTML entry to post in LJ with Microsoft Word again. Three frakkin' edits! :p