Aug 07, 2008 11:46
Yo~ Can anyone help me see whether does this mean that the balloting period has already ended?
or does it mean that it will be starting from this date?
I'm confused.. XDDD Becos from what I read is that it has ended on 05 Aug.....
申込受付期間: ~ 8月5日(火) A.M.10:00 申込み完了分まで
Then does this one below mean that the results will be out from the below dates?
抽選結果案内:・大阪公演 / 8月9日(土)以降 ご案内予定
・東京公演 / 8月14日(木)以降 ご案内予定
And this means that the tickets will be sent out on these dates?
郵便振込締切:・大阪公演 / 8月13日(水) 消印有効(予定)
・東京公演 / 8月20日(水) 消印有効(予定)
Btw, this is for Subaru's solo con in Oct.. XDDD