Entwined-chapter 6

Mar 01, 2010 10:19

Chapter 6: Coming Home

I entered the arena with a smile that could have lit up Las Vegas. Today is the day! Kevin and Scott will be home in just a few hours and we will all be together. Even the grumbling that had been going on in the locker room since the news of the return got out couldn’t dampen my mood. I took great care in choosing what I was going to wear to work that night. Okay, I’ll be honest, I dressed for Scott. So, what else could I wear but the outfit Kevin and Scott had given me when I joined the nWo in WCW? Head to toe nWo black and white. My very own personalized t-shirt with ‘Outsiders Baby’ on the back, black jeans with nWo on the back pockets, and to top it off, a black leather nWo jacket. I was walking down the hallway thinking about what we were all going to do after the show, when a loud catcall shattered my daydreaming.

“Whoo-hoo! Looking hot Songbird!” yelled Paul and Shawn as they came out of the locker room.

I did a little modeling turn for them and then ran into their arms. “The boys are coming home today! Isn’t it wonderful?” I was jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas morning that gotten everything they wanted. “Are they here yet?”

“Yep. They’re right behind you,” Shawn said, laughing at my reaction.

I turned and there they were. “Oh hell yes!” I yelled and launched myself into Kevin’s arms.

“Hey there Songbird. Wearin’ the right colors I see,” Kevin said, putting me down and looking me over from head to toe.

“I wouldn’t wear any other color tonight,” I said, punching Kevin in the arm.

“Easy on the merchandise, baby. I bruise easily, you know,” Kevin replied, rubbing his arm.

“Quit whining you overgrown baby.”

“Hey yo, what am I? Chopped liver? I want a hug too,” Scott pouted.

I turned to Scott, smiled and put my arms out. “Just saving the best for last, honey.”

When Scott’s arms closed around me, I suddenly felt as if I were home. I shut my eyes as the blissful feeling washed over me. Oh God, it should be illegal for someone to feel and smell this good. I could rip his clothes off right here. When I opened my eyes, I met Kevin’s over Scott’s shoulder. His eyebrows went up and he cocked his to one side and mouthed, “Well? What are you gonna do about it?”

I glared at him and mouthed back, “Not now.” Disgusted, he shook his head at me and turned to talk to Paul and Shawn. I knew the time Kevin had given me was up. He wouldn’t wait much longer to tell Scott about my feelings. I kissed Scott on the cheek and reluctantly let go of him. “I missed you. Are you ready for tonight?”

“I missed you too. Yeah, I’m ready. I’m nervous. Do you think they still want to see us?”

“Are you kidding? Those people out there are dying to hear you say, ‘Hey yo’ and call for a survey. You’ve got nothing to be nervous about. Besides, your biggest fan is gonna be running the music,” I smiled and wiggled my eyebrows at him.

Scott laughed, threw his arm over my shoulders and walked us over to the others. “Well, with backup like you waiting in the wings, what could go wrong?”

“Damn right. And as much as I would love to stay here with you guys, some of us actually do work around here. I’ve got to go make sure everything we set up this afternoon is still intact. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” I dropped another quick kiss on Scott’s cheek and walked away. I got a few steps away when Kevin stopped me. Oh boy, here we go.

“Your time’s up, Songbird. Are you gonna talk to him or am I?”

“Kev, I can’t do it right now; it’s not the right time. Too much is going on tonight. Too many people around. Don’t push.”

“I’m gonna push. I told you I’d let you have time. I probably gave you too much time.”

“Kev, I promise I’m gonna talk to him. Just not right this minute. Besides, I don’t want you around when I do it anyway.”

“Why not?”

“You really don’t want me to answer that, do you?” I smiled sweetly at him.

Kevin shook his head. “Never mind. But you are officially on notice.”

“Okay, okay. Geez, you’d think you had a stake in this or something.” I looked at my watch. “I’ve got to go. I’ve got final sound check to do. See you later.” I walked away before he could get a last word in.

“Hey bro, what was that all about?” Scott asked, watching Kevin walk back to the group.

“Nothin’. Just wanted to make sure she’s coming with us after the show. Let’s go get ready. We got a show to do.”

The show went off without a hitch and the crowd gave the boys a huge pop when they arrived in the ring. We were so all exhausted after the show; we just went to the hotel and went to sleep. So, I was off the hook with Kevin until we had traveled to the next arena.


I was sitting in the stands mapping out where we were going to string cable and watching Scott work out in the ring. Well, actually mentally undressing Scott in the ring, which doesn’t take much thought, given what he wears to wrestle in.

“You’re drooling,” Kevin whispered in my ear, making me jump.

“Cripes, Nash! You scared the hell out of me.”

“Hey, you’re the one up here drooling over my best friend and not paying attention to what’s going on around you.”

“Fuck you, Nash.”

“Hey, are you gonna kiss my best friend with that mouth?” I just glared at him. “Why don’t you just go down to the ring, knock him down and jump on him?”


“No, you’re not gonna kiss him or no you’re not going to the ring?”


“So, have we developed the cast iron balls needed to express our true feelings?”

“Women do not develop ‘cast iron balls’. We have cast iron ovaries.”

Kevin rolled his eyes at me. “Fine. Have we developed the cast iron ovaries to do something about it?”

“Yes. I’ll talk to him tonight after the show. I need you to keep yourself and the others away from us. I want to do this in private.” I started to chew my nails.

“Hey,” Kevin said, grabbing my hands. “He’s not gonna shoot you down. Don’t be nervous.”

“How do you know he’s not gonna shoot me down? Did you tell him?” I eyed him suspiciously.

“No, I didn’t say a word. Remember, I know all; I see all.”

“What do you know and see, oh wise gray-haired one?”

“Oh, you did not just bring up my gray hair. It’s not my fault the hair color didn’t take. You know, just for that crack, I ain’t telling you anything. You can just twist in the wind until you talk to Scott.” With that, he got up and walked away from me.

“Fine, be that way, Big Grumpy.” I called after him.

Kevin smiled as he turned the corner and met up with Shawn and Paul.

“Well, is she going to tell him?” Shawn asked.

“Oh, yeah. We have to make ourselves scarce after the show so they can be alone.”

“That won’t be a problem. We’ll just hide and Scott and Songbird will have to ride back together. Can’t get much more alone than that,” Paul said, grinning at his two partners in crime.

“I just hope they both don’t chicken out,” Kevin said, rubbing his hand over his eyes.

“What are we gonna do if they both chicken out?” Shawn asked.

Paul spoke up. “Then we’ll lock them in a hotel room with no TV.”

Shawn grinned broadly at the suggestion. “And we all know there’s only one thing to do in a hotel room with no TV…”

“And if that doesn’t work, I’ll have to knock some sense into both of them,” Kevin said, shaking his head. “But that’s a damn good idea, Paul. We’ll use that as Plan B if we need it.”

“What do you think they’ll say when they find out they’ve both been thinking the same thing? And we knew all along what was going on?” Paul wondered, leaning against the wall.

“After they kill us? Probably laugh their asses off, just like we have. Come on, let’s go get Hall and go eat. You know, matchmaking makes me hungry,” Kevin smiled, rubbing his stomach as the three men walked down the hall to the main floor entrance.


I was finishing up my work for the evening and trying to keep my nerves under control when a large hand grabbed the back of my neck.

“Shawn, Paul and I are sneaking off. Scott’s all yours. Don’t chicken out,” Kevin whispered in my ear.

“Okay,” I said softly, swallowing hard and quickly glancing at him. “Thanks.”

Kevin pulled me up from the chair and hugged me. “Hey, it’s gonna be fine. Trust me. Now, go give my best friend some lovin’.” Winking, he turned me around and gave me a shove in the direction of the locker room.

“Well, this is it. No going back now. You can do this,” I coached myself as I walked toward the locker room. I let out a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Hey Scott, you ready to go?”

The door opened and Scott walked out, his hair still wet from the shower. He looked…delicious. OK, focus Songbird. “Yep, all ready to go. Lead on.”

“They’re loading some equipment out the main way, so let’s go around this way,” I suggested, leading to a hallway Kevin and I had discovered earlier in the day. It was the perfect place to talk to Scott where we wouldn’t be interrupted. We almost got to the door leading to the parking lot when I finally got the nerve to open my mouth. “Scott, could you wait a minute? I want to talk to you about something.”

“Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about something too. You go first.” Scott smiled, dropped his bag and leaned against the wall.

“Scott, I…oh God, I…”

Worry appeared on Scott’s face and he gently took my hand. “Honey, what’s wrong? You can tell me anything, you know that, don’t you?”

“I know. Nothing’s wrong, I just need to say something to you and it’s really difficult for me to do it,” I said, letting out a trembling breath and meeting his beautiful dark brown eyes. “So, I’m just gonna say it. I think I’m in love with you.” I shut my eyes, waiting for the sound of Scott running away from me. I didn’t hear anything and I cautiously opened my eyes. He was smiling at me and the most loving look was radiating from his eyes.

He chuckled. “I was about to tell you the same thing.”

My jaw dropped. “You were?”

“Yeah. Well, looks like great minds think alike,” he said as he pulled my hand to his mouth and brushed a kiss over my knuckles.

I gasped. It felt like fire skittering across my skin where his lips had been. I pulled my hand away and took a step toward Scott. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. I licked my lips as I leaned toward Scott and touched my lips to his and searing heat shot through my body. His arms slid around my waist and pulled me closer as his tongue gently pressed the seam in my lips, urging them to open. A moan escaped my throat when his tongue slid into my mouth, gently exploring over my teeth, stroking my tongue and coaxing me to explore his own mouth. My fingers slid up into Scott’s still damp hair and I pulled his head closer, he groaned in response and deepened the kiss even more. My hands slid down his chest, pulled the t-shirt out of his jeans and rubbed up and down his back. Scott’s hands mimicked mine and then slid forward and up to cup my breasts. My legs weakened and I leaned heavily against Scott. His hands moved to my hips and pulled me fiercely against him, so I could feel his hard flesh straining against his jeans. Finally, both breathless, we pulled apart and stared into each other’s eyes.

“Wow,” I exhaled, laying my head against his chest. “That was amazing.”

“It sure was.” Scott wrapped his arms back around my waist. “But I think we can do much better.”

I raised my head and smiled. “Oh really. Even better?”

“Oh yeah. What do you say about moving this party somewhere a little more private?” Scott asked, his eyes burning through me.

“I’d love to,” I replied, the fire in my eyes equaling his.

Scott picked up our bags and took my hand. Smiling, he brought my hand to his lips again to brush a feather light kiss across the back, sending streaks of heat through my body. We stepped out into the cool night, the door slamming behind us.

Three heads peeked around the corner at the sound of the slamming door. Kevin, Shawn and Paul had watched the entire scene play out and high-fived each other.

“Wow, I hope Scott’s up to handling Songbird. That was one hell of a liplock she put on him,” said Shawn, shaking his head in amusement. Paul chuckled in agreement.

“All I know is we won’t see those two until probably tomorrow afternoon at the earliest,” Kevin smirked, feeling very proud of himself. “Let’s go celebrate a job well done boys.”

kevin nash, smut, scott hall, wwe, wcw, wrestling, kliq, fanfic

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