Entwined-chapter 4

Mar 01, 2010 10:16

Chapter 4: Changes

Scott changed into a pair of shorts, settled on the couch with a tired sigh and flipped on the TV. He found the country music channel and relaxed back on the pillow. The sleep timer was set to shut the TV off in a half an hour. It had been a long two days. The mellow music began to lull him to sleep and his eyes grew heavy. His arm hung over the edge of the couch as he relaxed into sleep. The living room was plunged into darkness and silence when the TV shut itself off.

Scott was startled awake. What was that noise? Sitting up, he listened carefully. It was coming from Songbird’s bedroom. Fear shot through him. What if something was wrong with her? He jumped up and tripped over the blanket that had fallen on the floor. Opening the door, he stopped short, his heart breaking at the scene before him.

Tears were streaming down Songbird’s face. Deep, heart-wrenching sobs were issuing from her throat. Clutched in her hands were the remains of the picture that sat on her bedside table. Pieces of the picture were scattered across the comforter. Aw, hell. He and Kevin had wondered when it would hit her. Scott crossed the room, crawled into the bed and pulled her to his chest.

“Shh, baby, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay,” he said rocking me gently and kissing the top of my head.

“I…I’m such a fool. I believed he loved me. I’m nothing but a fucking idiot,” I mumbled listlessly.

“No, you’re not a fool. You are a beautiful, intelligent woman. He’s the fucking idiot,” he soothed, stroking my hair.

“I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

“No, you’re not stupid. I mean come on, who with any kind of brains would attack a woman whose five best friends are professional wrestlers? Talk about a stupid fucking idiot.”

“I can’t even take care of myself. You and Kevin had to stop him.” I started to cry harder.

“Honey, he was bigger than you. And as for Kevin & I taking care of him, it was a pleasure. We always take care of our girl.”

“I don’t know why I even try to have a relationship.”

“Because you are a lovely, loving woman. Any man would be lucky to have you love him.”

“You’re just saying that.”

“No, I am not just saying that. I know that. I know you have a good heart. Don’t let him win, sweetheart. Don’t let him make you afraid to love. Here,” handing me a Kleenex, “wipe your eyes.”

I looked up into Scott’s dark brown eyes. “Thanks, Scotty. You’re the best friend a girl with bruised ribs could ever have.” I sniffed and blew my nose loudly.

“Well, wasn’t that just ladylike,” Scott teased.

“Oh shut up. Would you rather I wiped my nose on you?”

“God, no,” his eyes growing wide.

“That’s what I thought.” Smiling, I snuggled down deeper into his arms. He felt so warm, so good as I drifted off to sleep.

Scott tightened his arms around Songbird and kissed the top of her head as she relaxed in his arms. He sighed and leaned back on the headboard. I should have killed the bastard, he thought.


Scott’s hand strokes slowly up my thigh. I’m too sleepy to open my eyes. His hand curves over my hip and across my stomach. Oooh, it feels so gooood. Slowly, leaving a trail of fire in its wake, his hand reaches my breast. His breath is hot as he kisses my neck. Fingers trace concentric circles on my breast, coming closer and closer to my nipple. My back arches as his fingers finally reach their destination and tease the nipple to a hard peak. A moan slips through my lips as I finally wake. I turn over in Scott’s arms, my legs tangling with his as I slide my arms around his neck and our lips meet. Gently, our lips part and our tongues taste each other. I could kiss this man forever; he tastes so good. I slide my hands across Scott’s broad shoulders and down his chest, tangling in his chest hair and brushing over his nipples. Scott moans and deepens our kiss, pressing me back into the mattress. I glide my hands across his back, running my nails up and down, making him shiver. Breaking the kiss, my lips travel across his cheek and down his jaw as I push him on his back and kneel beside him. Nibbling down his neck and back up to his earlobe, I gently nip the lobe and run my tongue back down his neck. I lay a trail of kisses across his chest, making sure to pay special attention to his nipples. Following his wonderful treasure trail of hair down to the waistband of his shorts, I slowly trace the edge of the waistband back and forth with my fingertips. Looking up into his desire filled eyes, I smile. I lightly run my nails up and down his chest, drawing designs as I go. Scott’s hands grab the bottom of my sleep tank and draw it over my head. His hands return to cup my breasts; his thumbs rubbing over the nipples. I gasp when I am suddenly on my back again, Scott quickly stripping off our remaining clothes. He leans down, kissing me with a passion I have never felt before. His lips burn a path down my neck to one breast. His tongue darts out, quickly tasting the throbbing peak. He slowly licks across my chest to the other breast, this time nipping at the tip and then sucking the peak into his mouth. My hands slip into his dark curly hair, pulling him closer as I arch up to meet his mouth. His hands rub up and down my body, sending shivers of pleasure through me. When his hand strokes down into the nest of dark curls, I can’t take any more.

“Scott, I want you inside me now,” I beg, pulling his head from my breast and staring into his eyes.

Smiling, he drops his knee between my legs and I part them eagerly. I close my eyes when his lips meet mine in a burning kiss. I feel him slide inside me and…

My eyes snap open.

I look around.

I’m alone in bed.

The phone is ringing.

Oh my God.

I was dreaming.

Dreaming about having sex with Scott.

Oh my God.

Where the HELL did that come from?

It has to be the drugs.

It has to be.

Doesn’t it?

He’s my best friend, for God’s sake!

I can’t feel this way.

Can I?

Oh hell.

Scott knocks and pops his head around the door. “You awake babe?”

Heat shoots through my body at the sight of him. “Uh, yeah.”

“Good. Kev and Sean are on the phone. You up to talking to them?”

“Sure. Let me go to the bathroom and I’ll be right out.”

“No problem,” he smiled and shut the door behind him.

I lay back onto the pillow. It smells like Scott. Another bolt of heat shoots through me.

“Yeah,” I reply under my breath. “I’ll be right out after I take a cold shower.”

Oh hell.

kevin nash, smut, scott hall, wwe, wcw, wrestling, kliq, fanfic

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