Entwined-chapter 2

Mar 01, 2010 10:12

Chapter Two: Recovery

Someone was snoring. It’s not me…I think. OK, time to open the eyes. Not so bad. I looked around to see where the snoring was coming from. Scott was slumped in a chair with his head thrown back sawing down the Amazon rainforest. Gee, he looks comfortable. I scooted up in the hospital bed. OK, that was bad idea. Boy, I hurt. I hope Craig has met a nice man in lockup. Bastard.

“Scott, wake up. Scott!”


“Wake up. Your snoring is giving me a headache. What are you doing here anyway? Why didn’t you go home?”

“I wasn’t gonna leave you here alone. Somebody had to stay with you. I sent Kev home; I stayed. How do you feel?” Scott asked as he dropped down on the edge of the hospital bed.

“I’m okay, just sore and I’ve got a dull headache. You didn’t have to stay. I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can,” Scott answered, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I didn’t mean for you to give up your time off.”

Scott shrugged. “No big deal. I was just gonna lay on the beach. Besides, you need someone with you just in case nut boy decides to try and do an encore.”

“I was planning to get out of Dodge before he gets released. Besides, I don’t think he would have the nerve to do it again. He got arrested. If that didn’t make an impression, I don’t know what would.”

“I’d like to make an ‘impression’ on him,” snarled Scott.

“Scott, I’m not gonna let you get in trouble because I have crappy taste in boyfriends.”

“You don’t have crappy taste. He’s just an asshole. Don’t you dare blame yourself for what HE did.”

“Okay, okay, enough with the lecture. So, how bad do I look? And don’t lie and say I look beautiful!”

“Well, you do look beautiful…”

“Scott, I swear…”

“Let me finish. You look like a beautiful woman with a black eye, a split lip and a nicely bruised cheekbone.” Scott grinned at me and gently touched my cheek.

“Ouch. Don’t do that. Well, at least my eye isn’t swollen shut.”

“Yeah, I thought it would be. How do your ribs feel?”

“Like someone slammed me into a car. Do you think I’ll get out of here?”

“Probably. You might have to wait until the end of the day.”

“Well, there’s no reason for you to stick around. Why don’t you go home?”

“You’re not getting rid of me, so just give it up.”

“You’re a good friend. Thank you for staying with me.” I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Scott and I sat and talked as I tried unsuccessfully to eat my hospital breakfast. The coffee and the sweet roll Scott got out of the vending machine looked a lot more appetizing. I wonder how many people get sick from hospital food. I was just about to send Scott back to the vending machine for me when the doctor arrived.

“Good morning Ms. Anderson. I’m Dr. Brooks. I see Dr. Collins took care of you last night. How are you feeling?”

“I’ll be fine as long as I don’t eat the food. When can I get out of here?”

Dr. Brooks chuckled and looked at my tray. “Yes, the food leaves a lot to be desired. As to when you can leave, that depends on the results of my exam. I’m afraid I’ll have to ask your friend to step outside.”

I pushed Scott off the bed. “Quick, go outside so I can get out of this place!”

“Is that any way to treat your best friend?”

“I love you, but get out.”

“Okay, okay, I’m going.” He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be right outside.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just shoo. And go get me one of those sweet rolls before I starve to death.”

“Yes ma’am! Is there anything else Madame Songbird requires?”

“Not right now my lowly servant. I may think of something later. You’re dismissed.”

“Smart ass.” Scott grinned and strolled out the door.

“Bite me!” I replied cheerfully and stuck my tongue out at him.

Dr. Brooks laughed. “How long have you two been together?”

“Oh, we’re not together. We’ve been friends for years though.”

“My mistake. So, let’s see if you get to leave today.”

Dr. Brooks unwrapped and checked my ribs, which had bloomed into a huge, beautiful bruise overnight. “You’re going to need to keep your ribs wrapped for about a week. Will that be a problem with your job?”

“No. We have a trainer who travels with us. He can do it or my friends can. They’re wrestlers; they know how to wrap just about everything. They could probably turn me into a convincing mummy.”

“Good. Now let’s see about your concussion. Any blurred or double vision this morning?”

“No, just a dull headache.”

“Good. Your pupils are reacting the way they should so I can’t see any reason to keep you. I do wish, however, you would reconsider returning to work right away.”

“I’ll be better off with my friends than sitting alone at home.”

“Well, I’ll go out and sign your release papers and write you a prescription for pain medication. Can your friend take you home? I don’t want you to drive for a week, just to be on the safe side.”

“Yeah, he’ll take me home.”

“Good. I’ll just leave you to get dressed.”

I was trying to figure out how to get my shoes on without bending over when Scott came back in the room.

“Why are you frowning at your shoes?”

“I can’t bend over to put my shoes on.” Scott started to laugh. “It’s not funny, Scott.”

“I know. I’m sorry. Sit down and I’ll put them on for you.” He slipped on my shoes and tied them quickly. He patted my feet and stood up. “So, are we out of here?”

“As soon as the nurse comes in with my papers. Not soon enough for me.”

“Well, might as well make ourselves comfortable while we’re waitin’.” Scott lay down across the foot of the bed with a sigh, hands behind his head, staring at the ceiling.

“Comfy?” I asked as I leaned back against the headboard.

“As a matter of fact, yes. This is a lot better than the torture chair.”

“Your back hurts, doesn’t it?”

“It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

“It’s my fault though. You could have slept in a nice soft bed last night. Instead, you were here babysitting my sorry ass.”

“It’s a cute sorry ass, though.”

I snorted at that comment. A thought popped into my head. “Hey, Scott?”

He opened his eyes and turned to me. “What baby?”

“Thanks. For everything. For bringing me to the hospital and staying. And saving my cute sorry ass.” I grinned at him.

Scott sat up and wrapped me carefully in his strong arms. “You don’t have to thank me. We all take care of each other. We always have and always will.”

“I know but…”

“Enough. I don’t want to hear anymore,” Scott scolded, shaking his finger at me.

I was about to argue with him anyway when the nurse came in the door. She gazed at Scott, sizing him up. “Sorry to interrupt, but I have release papers for you to sign.”

“Thank God! I’m ready to get out of here.”

“Well, I’ll go get a wheelchair and take you downstairs.”

“I can walk. I’m not in that bad of shape.”

“Sorry, hospital policy. You can’t leave unless you’re in a wheelchair.”

Scott stood up and walked to the door. “You better stop arguing, Songbird. They might make you stay. I’ll go get the car. Meet you outside.”

The nurse returned a few minutes later. “Your boyfriend is really cute. He looks familiar for some reason though.”

I sighed. Why does everyone assume we’re together? “Scott isn’t my boyfriend; he’s just a friend. And he probably looks familiar to you because he’s on TV.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you were together. You’re so comfortable with each other and he didn’t leave your side all night. So, what does he do on TV?”

“That’s okay. The doctor thought the same thing. Scott wrestles on TV.”

“Oooo…a wrestler. No wonder he’s built. He’s got a great smile too. Is he single?” I rolled my eyes as she rambled on as we took the elevator to the ground floor. Warning! This is a ring rat alert! You would think after all these years of being around the guys that this sort of thing wouldn’t bother me. Usually it doesn’t, but it does today. Maybe it’s the concussion. I’m getting nauseated. I hope she doesn’t get drool on my back. Thank God Kevin went home. She’d probably be panting like a dog in heat if he was here too. Cripes! She’s still talking. “I bet he kisses great and those arms!” He’s not a piece of meat, bitch. Oh man, she’s checking her hair in the reflection from the window. My head hurts. “Does he like nurses?”

“He usually just throws up on them,” I deadpanned. Her face fell. That put ice in her panties. Sorry, Scotty, you’re not getting laid by Nurse Nancy.  He’d probably need a doctor afterwards, anyway. Come on Scott, where’s the damn car?

A sleek silver Cadillac pulled to the curb. Scott jumped out and smiled at the nurse. She smiled back wanly.

He opened the car door with a flourish. “Your chariot awaits, Milady.”

“It’s about damn time,” I snapped. When did I become a bitch? I guess concussions give you mood swings. “Sorry, Scott. I didn’t mean to snap.” I slowly climbed out of the wheelchair into the front seat. Scott buckled me in.

“No problem, baby. What do you say I take you home?” He climbed behind the wheel. “Ready?”

“Let’s roll. Scott?”


“Where’s my sweet roll?”

kevin nash, wrestling, smut, scott hall, wwe, wcw, fanfic

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