Last Weekend (15. 16. 03) I was in Leipzig at the LBM.
A big german fair whit the full name 'Leipziger Buchmesse'.
It was my first Con an my first Cosplay too!
In Autumn last year, a good friend ask, if I would make an group-cosplay with her. I'm not a fan about carnival ore something, but I say Yes.
We disgust,any weeks, and at least, we select the cover illustration from chapter 27. (Fai and Kuro whit coats in the jade-country-style)
And Kuro was my part!!! *~*
So, I worked hard the last two months and THIS is the result!
My friend become badly ill the last two weeks before the fair was, an she don't get her fai-cosplay finished. So, she take the Yuuko dress, she have buy at last year.
I met so many nice people this weekend!
And make some good new friends, I think!
Iths so sad, that this two days pass so fast...
*want to make the time gos backwards*
And at least the persons~
Yuko = Nici
Fai = Björn
Mokona = Karmen
Blue Yukata-Gril = Nancy
Kurogane = me