For some odd reason, I decided to check out
perlmonks, a website for perl programmers. I don't program perl, and I really don't have a desire to program in perl. I don't know why I ended up there.
Anyway, Larry Wall is the guy that created Perl. From perlmonks, I went to
Larry's home page. I was just skimming this atrociously designed site, and I saw a link to his church,
New Life Church. I investigated, curious because there seem to be a great deal of computer science types who are atheists. Seeing such a leader in the CS space prominently put a link to his church was encouraging.
At the church's site, I found this
list of books to read. The first one on the list is Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship. James Alexander ranted about this book a long time ago, and I never got around to reading it. I glanced down the list and saw some good things on it. If both James Alexander and Larry Wall recommend it, how can I resist?
So anyway, I'm going to start reading this books, starting at the top. I plan on starting at the library, and then picking up any I can't find or don't already have from Amazon or ebay or something.
For those of you too lazy to click the link, here they are, as recommended by the New Life Church in Cupertino, CA.
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Cost of Discipleship. New York: MacMillan. 1977.German Lutheran pastor during World War II. Participated in a plotto kill Hitler, but was captured and executed.Earle, Ralph. How We Got Our Bible. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press. 1971.Also describes origins of other early Christian and Jewish literature.Foster, Richard J. Prayer: Celebration of Discipline. San Francisco:Harper. 1988.A classic on the disciplines of the Christian faith, including prayer, worship, fasting, meditation, and 8 others.Hart, Archibald D. Healing for Life's Hidden Addictions. Ann Arbor:Servant Pubs. 1990.Fuller Seminary psychology professor writing abouttemptations and addictions in the life of Christians.Hybels, Bill. Becoming a Contagious Christian. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.1994.If you can only read one book on how to spread your faith in ourculture, this is it!Hybels, Bill. Christians in a Sex Crazed Culture. Wheaton, Ill: Victor.1989.Provides extraordinary perspective into sexual issues. Must readingfor every Christian man.Joy, Donald M. and Robbie B. Lovers - Whatever Happened to Eden? Waco:Word. 1987.Provides an enlightened and balanced view on the theology ofgender and marriage.Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity. New York: MacMillan. 1952.A Christianclassic. Captures the thinking that transformed Lewis from an agnostic to anauthentic Christian.Lucado, Max. When God Whispers Your Name. Dallas: Word Publishing. 1994.An easy reading book full of very short stories, all which make a solidChristian point.Newbigin, Leslie. The Gospel in a Pluralistic Society. Grand Rapids:Eerdmans. 1989.Challenging but well worth the effort. Invaluable inunderstanding how the gospel spreads in contemporary America.Nouwen, Henri J.M. In the Name of Jesus. New York: Crossroads. 1991.Catholic author about the inner life. This book is about the temptations ofJesus.Petersen, Jim. Living Proof. Colorado Springs: NavPress. 1989.After youread Becoming a Contagious Christian, read this one!Peterson, Eugene. A Long Obedience in the Same Direction. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity. 1980.From the author of The Message. This is a bookbased on the Psalms of the Ascents (Ps 120-135).Purkiser, W.T. Exploring the Old Testament. Kansas City: Beacon HillPress. 1955.College level textbook for a study of the Old Testament.Smedes, Lewis B. Forgive and Forget. New York: Pocket Books. 1984.Fuller Seminary psychology professor writing about forgiveness.Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper. Colorado Springs: Focus on the Family, 1994.First of a great series of books for men interested in building aspiritual life.