[ Phone: Backdated to the start of the outbreak. ]
[Austria has only seen a few zombies outside his window, at this point.]
Answer me quickly, what is the meaning of this?
[There is a long pause and a few faint screams that come from outside the house but can be heard through the phone.]
Did they just - How tasteless. [He sounds simultaneously disgusted and horrified.]
[ Action: 1123 Taylor Road ]
[Austria is sprawled on the couch by the window, collar loosened and a cold towel over his forehead. He has, as a matter of necessity, learnt to use the record player in the house and has managed to obtain a
recording of Mozart's Requiem Mass in D minor. A fitting choice, given the circumstances. He has the volume turned up so loudly that anyone within ten feet of the house - zombies included - can probably hear it. Or see the windows rattling. In a stunning display of self preservation he has not locked the door or drawn the curtains.
If this is the apocalypse, he is going to suffer in a suitably artistic way.]
[ Action: Anywhere that is nowhere near 456 Stone St ]
[While attempting to find his way to Hungary's house (which, unfortunately, is in the opposite direction to that which he had been walking in) Austria has walked straight into a huge mass of zombies. Cue one frozen-in-terror Austria as they approach him.]