Has anyone noticed that when a black guy gets arrested he yells racism? When two people who are in love, but just so happen to be of the same sex, want to adopt a child or get married, "Christians" say it is morally wrong? Has anyone noticed that for all the "advantages" we have made in the past 60 years has actually had no real effect on the world? We still have groups like the KKK, and the Coalition of Christian Living (or whatever the fuck that organization is called). We still can't marry someone of a different skin tone because it is still taboo. Why is this? Here's a few subjects to think about.
Why do we listen to this stuff, and not do anything? I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just because a black man is arrested does not mean the arresting officer is racist. The man probably committed a crime, or has been accused of a crime, and the cops are just doing there job to protect everyone by following the lead they are given. I am not racist, but I can not sit by and listen to these bullshit son of a bitch black leaders yelling racist, every time a black man is arrested. They need to put the past behind them and start to realize that racism has pretty much gone the way of the dodo. Racism is still an issue, but not something that needs to be brought up every week in the judiscial system.
What about cops? They are just doing there job by arresting suspects, and putting them behind bars. Everyone has a grudge against the cops because they pull them over and give them tickets, or they pull you in for questioning when someone gets murdered. We shouldn't hate them, we should thank them. Policemen and women risk their lives everyday so we can drive down the street without getting run off it, so we can walk down the street at night to the corner store to get a soda and not get killed. Yet people call them pigs and assholes, why? This is coming from me, I get pulled over at least once a month for something stupid, and my own mother got arrested and put in jail for a year. When that happened I wasn't mad at the cop that arrested her. I was mad at her for doing something that got her arrested. I've gotten tickets, but what can I do, two were dismissed and another is in a county that I plan on never living in, ever, in my life. I have no guff with the cops, I complain, but I would like to applaud them, and if I wasn't such a queer, sissy, wimp boy I would become one.
I could talk all night about how these "Christian" associations complain about gay couples getting married, and saying that they will degrade the values of America. I would just like to point out that most of the degrading stuff that happens in America happens in states with high attendance in the Christian church. Jesus loved everyone, as long as they had faith in him. So next time you (those of you who consider yourselfs to be real 'Christians') decide to judge someone for their lifestyle, think of what Jesus would think. Not that cockamamy bullshit W.W.J.D. (What Would Jesus Do for those of not so informed intelligence), but W.W.J.T. (What Would Jesus Think). Jesus accepted all into his ranks, look at Mary Magdelene (spelling I know), and wasn't Paul a Roman gaurd that had killed many Christian followers? Jesus is all about wanting people to live moral faithful lives. When Jesus came and the New Testament was written, that is the ground rules for the Christian faith. The Old Testament is for the Jews, Jesus came to earth and set up a new rule and a new set of values. When did Jesus say that being a homosexual was bad? Something from Jesus's lips, not from the Old Testament. Show me actual proof that Jesus condemned all homosexuals. When you can do that then I will become a Satan worshiper (I'd like to be in good with the man I'm going to be answering to).
Everyone please just think about what I have put before you. I am not asking you to sell your soul, just to open your eyes, and your minds, to a new idea, and maybe a way to live peaceful lives without all the bullshit and yelling. Thank you all and I wish you good days and goods nights.