Aug 14, 2024 22:16
The Terrific Register: Or, Record of Crimes, Judgments, Providences, and Calamities ...
Издательство: Sherwood, Jones, and co.,
Volume 2
Olearius gives a description of the manner in which he saw the knout indicted on eight men and one woman, only for selling brandy and tobacco without a license. The executioner's man, after stripping them down to' the waist,
tied their feet, and took one at a time on his back. The executioner stood at
three paces distance with a large pizzle, to the end of which were fastened three
throngs of an elk's skin untanned, with which, springing forward, whenever
he struck, the blood gushed out at every blow. The men had each twenty-five
or twenty-six lashes : the woman, though only sixteen, fainted away. After
their backs were thus dreadfully mangled, they were tied together two and two;
and those who sold tobacco having a little of it, and those who sold brandy a
little bottle put about their necks ; they were then whipped through the city of
Petersburg for about a mile and a half; and then brought back to the place of
their first punishment and dismissed. According to M. de la Motreye, this is
what is termed the moderate knout; for when the sentence orders it between
the moderate and severe, the executioner takes off pieces of flesh at every
stroke ; and when it is ordered to be given with the utmost severity, the executioner striking the flank under the ribs, cuts tbe flesh to the very bowels. It is no wonder that many die of this cruel and inhuman punishment.
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