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Feb 22, 2024 18:48

Cristian G. Rata

Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology, Korea


Scripture and Interpretation vol. 2, no. 1 (2008)

Стр.  6Стр.  6
In more recent times other statements about the difficulty of the language have been made. It is reported that F. M. Cross claimed that  50% of Job remains unintelligible, and M. Dahood thought that at least 30% of the verses was untranslated.4 While these statements could be dismissed as exaggerated claims, they clearly point to the perceived difficulty in the language of this book, despite the considerable advances made in the understanding of the Hebrew language and of its cognates.
Practical Lectures on  the Book of Job




Pastor, Reformed Presbyterian Church,

Winnipeg, Canada.

Стр. 25

i. The existence of one God, the wise and glorious Creator of all things. There is no suggestion of God

consisting of a good and evil principle, such as was held by the nations of the east, particularly in Persia.

The pagan philosophers never held the high and pure ideals of God, such as are spoken of here.

He is almighty. 9:4-12-He is the remover of mountains-shakes the earth-commands the sun-

makes the stars. Also chapters 38-41.

He is omniscient. 11:8-11-He knows the hearts of men, even the wicked. Also 21: 22.

He is wise. 12: 13-With Him is wisdom-28: 12,

He is the source of wisdom.

He is inscrutable. 11: 7-9-“ Canst thou by searching find out God ? ”

He is invisible. 11:7; 10:4-“ Hast thou eyes of flesh ? ”

He is the supreme governor of the world. 5 : 9-13-

8:4-6-12: 10-25. In His hand is the soul of every living creature, and the breath of all mankind.

He is the creator of all things. 10: 8-11-38: 4-10.

He is perfectly pure and holy. 15: 15, 16-“The heavens are not clean in his sight.” Also 35: 5, 6.

He is eternal. 10: 5-“ Are thy days as the days of man? ”

He is a spiritual being. 10:4.

He is gracious and ready to forgive sin. 33 : 23-28

-If one seeks God he may find a ransom. He will deliver his soul from going into the pit.

He is merciful, He allows the wicked to prosper.


He is a hearer of prayer. 33 : 26-42: 8.

He is the dispenser of life and death. 4:9- 10: 12-33: 4-42: 2.

He is the revealer of all divine truth. 33: 14-17-

“ He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction/’ Also 42: 2, 3.

2. The universe was created by God. It did not come into being by chance. 10: 10-“ It was not the

work of inferior beings, nor was it eternal. 38:4-11

“ Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth ? ”

j. He is the governor of all His creatures. The whole book is a demonstration of this fact. The only

question is, the manner in which it shall be done. One maintains that there will be a present retribution, the

other a future one which will accord with justice. All agree that God would show Himself the friend of the

righteous and the punisher of the wicked. He dispenses rewards and punishments according to their

character. 12:23, “ He increaseth the nations and destroyeth them; he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again.” 34: 24, “ He shall break in pieces mighty men without number, and set others in their stead.”

4. The existence of angels is asserted. 1: 6-The sons of God came to present themselves before the

Lord. Holy beings, spirits, which are superior to men and have access to God are here indicated.

5. The existence of evil spirits is asserted. 1: 6-12 -Satan is represented as an individual being, as truly

as any other spirit. He is represented as a vicious, malignant, accusing enemy. He delights to cause pain

and ruin character. Job probably knew that Satan had been the agent in the temptation of Adam and Eve.

There is a resemblance in the manner in which he looked upon Adam and Job.

6. Man was regarded as fallen and wholly depraved. 14: 1, 4-“ Who can bring a clean thing out

of an unclean? not one.” 15: 14-16-“ What is man that he should be clean ? ”

7. The necessity of reconciliation with God in order to he at peace. 22:21, 22-“ Acquaint now thy¬

self with him and be at peace.” In offering sacrifices, Job recognized that reconciliation was needed.

8. Sin was to he expiated hy sacrifice. Job offered sacrifices for the sins of his family, 1:5. Also at the

command of God he offered on behalf of his friends, and accompanied his sacrifice with prayer for their

forgiveness, 42: 8. Job no doubt knew that these sacrifices were not sufficient in themselves to cleanse from

sin, but that they pointed to the Great Sacrifice which  was to be offered once for all, who was to be a ransom

for many, 33 : 24. See also Heb. 11.


1. The soul is immortal. “ If a man die shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I

wait, till my change come. Thou shalt call and I will answer thee,” 14: 14, 15. In 19:25-27, Job expresses

his hope that though his body may be destroyed, his continued life does not depend upon it, without his

flesh he shall see, and be with, his Redeemer.

2. There will he happiness and rest after death. In the abode of death, “ There the wicked cease from

troubling; and there the weary be at rest,” 3: 17.

3. There shall he a resurrection. Job was assured that his Redeemer would appear at the latter day upon

the earth, that he would see Him not as a stranger,'that is as one whom he knew, in whose presence he

should stand, 19:25. He believed that if a man should die he should live again, that when the call of God

should come he would answer, 14: 14, 15. The fact that Job believed there was a judgment, indicates that

he believed there would be a resurrection of those who were to be judged.

4. There shall he a judgment. “ The wicked is reserved to the day of destruction, they shall be brought

forth to the day of wrath,” 21:30. “ That ye may know there is a judgment,” 19: 29. “ For what is the

hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul? ” 27: 8. “ This also were

an iniquity to be punished by the judge; for I should have denied the God that is above,” 31: 28. The offering of sacrifices was understood by Job to free men from the wrath of God, not merely in this world, but in the world to come. If sacrifices had been offered merely for what might be gained in this world Job would never have offered them, because he recognized that the wicked prosper in this world, 21: 7-12.

Стр. 29


1. It taught man to he diligent, and not to dissipate his body or his wealth, Chap. 1.

2. It taught men to believe in a monogamous home, 31:9-11.

3. It taught men the golden rule, to he respectful in their treatment one of another. The friends of Job

were polite, they waited their turns when arguing with Job.

4. It taught respect for age. The elder spoke first, and the younger waited until the last.

5. It taught men that charity was God-like. Job denied that he had lacked charity, he had not withheld

from the poor or the widow, he had not eaten his morsel alone, nor withheld clothing from the destitute, 31: 16-22. The stranger had not been permitted to lodge in the street. He was eyes to the blind, feet to the lame, and always sympathetic in trouble, 31:31-34.

диета, мысли, Библия, верующие, эксперимент, Иов, Бог, Сатана

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