A grammar of the Persian language

Jan 19, 2011 09:45

A grammar of the Persian language
I seek to teach the Persian of Persians; -- not the Persian only of books.

241 (265)
On the use of the Arabic words

176 (200)

But the measure مفعال is of the most frequent occurrence,
and is very extensively used in Persian ; as,
مفتاح A key, or the instrument of opening.
مبزان A scale, or the instrument of weighing.
مكيال A measure of capacity, or the instrument of measuring.
مقاض Scissars, or the instrument of cutting.
منشار A saw, or the instrument of dividing.
مصباح A lamp, or the instrument of giving light.
معيار A standard, or the instrument of proving money.
منقار A bird's beak, or the instrument of pecking.

фарси, grammar, персидский, грамматика, арабские заимствования

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