Mar 04, 2018 13:07
Book inscriptions
Steal not this book, for fear of shame,
For in it is the owner’s name;
And when you’re dead, the Lord will say,
“Where is that book you stole away?”
(There are many variants of this inscription. The last two lines sometimes read: )
And if I catch you by the tail,
You must prepare for Newgate jail.
(sometimes there are two additional lines: )
And if you say you do not know,
Down to the flames you’ll have to go.
Small is the wren,
Black is the rook;
Blacker the sinner
That steals this book (Traditional rhyme).
Wren: крапивник (птица).
This boke is one thing,
The halter is another;
He that stealeth the one
Must be sure of the other. (Found in a copy of Aristotle, dated 1578).
Halter: веревка с петлей на виселице.
He who doth this book borrowe,
And doth not bring it back,
Certes shall he have sorrowe,
And comforte he shall lack.
(probably modern)
certes [΄sə: ti:z] «конечно»
If you this precious volume bone,
Jack Ketch will claim you as his own .
Bone: прихватывать; захватывать в собственность; красть.
Steal not this book, mine honest friend,
For fear the gallows be thine end.
Hic liber ad me pertinet,
Si quis furetur,
Per collum suspendetur,
In hoc modo.
(a sketch of a gibbet follows)