(no subject)

May 13, 2005 12:26

It wasn't difficult at all to get a meal in Vegas. The streets swarmed with potential food and avarice flooded the alleys and byways of the entire city. Drug addicts swarmed in the slums, entrepreneurs who would kill for success walked about, noticing their own ilk and pondered whether or not to make an ally or to just devour their own.

Sort of like lawyers, Klaus was willing to bet. He watched humanity ebb and flow around him. Crowds always pleased him for he was able to blend in with anyone. Just look for the smiling vampire in a sea of humanity. The one who wasn't tied down with personal matters or interests. The one without a care in the world.

Only he wasn't the only vampire in this bunch.

The stench of the other came to Klaus quickly and his eyes found the one pair that dared to look upon him with hunger. As a predator to a predator. Clearly, this vampire was not one for competition.

But he was very young. Klaus could tell this by the way the creature moved. Not that graceful. Not that fast. Klaus allowed the other to take his time, preferring to just watch. He allowed the other vampire to study himself, allowed the creature to reach out and touch his face in a mockery of a seduction.

"You're beautiful."

Ah, shameless flirting. Klaus allowed it for the most part for clearly, this vampire couldn't smell his own diseased blood. In fact, Klaus could only recognize the other simply because of the other vampire's eyes.

They held nothing.

An empty dead soul starring at him, admiring him without lust, without hunger even. This thing was barely a vampire, barely an entity. It was simply 'there' and in Vegas. While Klaus held no real territorial disposition over the city, he certainly didn't care to be felt up by someone who thought of him as a potential meal. Besides, Vegas would, one day, belong to him. No reason why he shouldn't have a bit of fun first.

"I know," he replied at long last to the vampire, who clearly had been expecting a different reaction. Perhaps a blush? A stammer?

Klaus slipped his arm around the creature's waist. "I know the drill. Fifty for a suck. Hundred for the whole shebang." The words sounded filthy with Klaus' German accent. Precisely how he intended them to sound. "Let us depart quickly? Not to your hovel surely, but away from them."

The vampire had no choice but to follow, for Klaus was strong enough to drag the creature away. It didn't matter where they went just so long as the away was dark and there were no witnesses.

In the end, Klaus' teeth came down first. He had long since learned from watching Lucard that there was no sense in pointless dramatics. Sure, it may have looked good for the spectators, but the prey could run while the fangs were being exposed and the hissing started. A gush of hot blood came to the skin and Klaus spat it out onto the ground.

Dead, clotted blood. Not the blood of a pure vampire, but by one that was poorly made. The thing before him was an inferior creature. A thing that should not have come into being. In fact, the wretched creature couldn't even hunt that well. No wonder it had come to America where the killings wouldn't be looked twice upon.

The vampire's empty carcass dropped to the ground and Klaus made short work of its head, pausing in his killing to regard the face. "I knew him so well." Ah, but he didn't.

The head was disposed of due to a convenient garbage bin. The body was burnt. Klaus had learned early on that it was best to carry with several things on his person. They included, but were not limited to, lubricant, twine, a very, very carefully wrapped up clove of garlic, and a box of matches.

It was when Klaus finally swallowed the few droplets of blood in his mouth that he realized two things. One was that he was still hungry. The second was that he recognized the master vampire.

A vampire always carried with them the blood of their sire. It was how they were identified by others if not by the mark or seal that they would wear. It also created in the vampire a sense of where they belonged, no matter how far they traveled.

A sea of realization washed over Klaus and with it, he felt a twinge of fear and surprise. Oh, but Alex would not like this. Not at all. All the more reason to get back to Luxembourg right away.

For the dead vampire had traveled far in so short a time. Had come to Vegas instead of remaining in Luxembourg where it had been created. Had come to seek out food.

The fear that Klaus felt was due to a misconception he might have had. Perhaps the vampire wasn't merely a poor hunter. Perhaps he moved due to the competition in the area.

Klaus teleported back into the rooms he and Alex shared, knowing he could count on the privacy. Without wasting a beat, he raced down the stairs, going back into the casino area. His hunger was forgotten for a time. His bond with Alexander telling him where his former master was and Klaus was by his side in a mortal heartbeat, ignoring their surroundings and what Alexander was doing for now.

"We've got a small problem."
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