Apr 03, 2007 10:29
trying to finish school, work 32+ hrs a week, trying to blance my school work and my social life, trying to get everything ready to move out in June without alarming my family. Top it off is the hemophila type a news and my grandma's bloodwork coming back weird. They think her cancer might be back on top of everything and that she has a form of hemophila(mostlikely different then mine).
Once I find out whats going on with granduation, I'll knew more about what my future holds.
I'll post more about the hemophilia when I find out more. But right now I'm waiting to find out if my body is either producing an Inhibitor or not enough Factor 8(one of the culoting agents in the blood streem). I do know that thus far it hasn't/wont kill me, I not only am a Carrier but have symtems, could pass it onto children, might have trouble conciving/carrieing full term with the possiblity of bleeding out durning labor....more to come once my second blood test comes back.