Feb 15, 2008 13:58
yesterday i bought my first "legal" drink at the beach. it was fun. i was going to abstain from alcohol until my 21st, but decided that it was a kind of stupid idea.
but, yeah, we had an afternoon off yesterday and i ended up enjoying myself. we went to the workshop (a mall type thing in downtown durban), then we travelled to the beach and ate lunch on the beach. avocadoes are big here, so a lot of the things include them and its so tastey. then we walked up the beach to the suncoast casino. unfortunately, i didn't get a chance to gamble. but we walked around and we went to see movie. we saw the movie charlie bartlett (about the kid posing as a psychiatrist for his school mates). it probably played in the us for about a week (if that). it was pretty good. pretty predictable, but good.
i returned home and my host family was gone. the one time i go out, so do they. olwethu was there, fortunately, and opened the door for me.
this afternoon i ate a bunny (curry in a bread bowl). it's so good! i only had indian food like 2 times before coming here, but now i've had tons and i've learned to love it! :) which is good since durban houses the most indians in the world outside of india.
tomorrow we're visiting the cato manor youth empowerment project. i'm excited. to prepare us, they taught us phrases in zulu like "it is important to use a condom" and "are you pregnant" and "i am having an abortion next week". this kind of intimidates me. i don't know if i'll be able to have personal convos like this with someone i just met.
then this weekend we are visiting the south coast. there we will be hiking, talking to medicinal healers, among other things. possibly canoeing. i'm pretty pumped. i'll be exhausted by the end, but it's bound to be a good workout.