Title: With Hands That Whisper
Author: Star (
Rating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters Kurt/Blaine, unrequited Blaine/OMC.
Word Count: 15,073
Spoilers: 2x16 - goes completely AU after that.
Warnings: Angst, male/male sex, AU.
Summary: An accident leaves Blaine completely deaf. This is the story of his struggles and his life dealing with the loss of one of his senses.
A/N: Betaed by both
orpheous87 and
hengilas, two of my lovelies. Accompanying art for this story is done by the amazing
norinoricat and can be found linked at the bottom of this post here as well as in the actual fic itself.
Part One Part Two Accompanying art here by the lovely
norinoricat ♥