Today I have done a lot of useful things. Also got up from bed earlier than I've done in weeks (Because I can't keep on waking up at 3 pm guh!)
Apart from that? Been drawing again Finally! Getting done some character concepts to a roleplay I'm about to write the introduction to~ It's all in English which is a bit hard for me to handle but I'll do my best!
Now I'm just very excited over Uppcon, Scandinavians largest east Asia oriented con. I've been there before but it was a long time ago and the magic on that place~! I really hope it is going to be just as fun as it was when I was fourteen XD
I'm going to go as Romano from Hetalia and Toni from Hanna is not a boy's name. No matter what I'll cosplay as them! *fighting spirit!*
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Aaaaaahhhhhh~~~~!!!!! So happy music! 8D