Today I went out to go to the library and look up any random dog-book I could find. Read a lot about how to train a dog and different ways to deal with different diseases/other health complications when it comes to dogs (it was a lot about how they eat things they shouldn't, or get things in their eyes/ears/throats/paws that isn't supposed to be there x'D). I enjoy learning new things and it's also good to know these stuff so that I might have more control over the situation IF something ever came to happen. After reading I soon went to the shopping part of the galleria, just to look around.
Alas, never have money and "just look around"
I ended up buying stuff for 700 kr (about 60 dollar? 99.5$), and even thought it was things I needed, it still was an impulse to buy those things and I am grieving xD Love all of it thou. I've become such a girl *smacks self*
Now I also have made that call to the dog breeder and woah...
GFX Candy Glitter Text GeneratorOk, so that girl who I talked to over the phone was hardcore and talked a lot and was just awesome in every way and I kinda listened to it all while the glee on my face just grew until I looked like a cat from Cheshire. She asked me about my number and said that I could come over some time to meet the dogs and all <3<3<3<3 So kind!
I'm just baffled a phone call went so well XD
Now I really need to sleep since It's 7am to work tomorrow again.