Правила сообщества на английском языке

Sep 27, 2014 18:25

Добрый день.
Дошли руки до перевода правил - прошу других англочитающих и англоговорящих бегло просмотреть на предмет переводческих ошибок.

Hello! You’ve found a treasure.

This treasure was hidden by_____________________________________________________________________________  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. It is a part of a children’s game “treasure island”, our website is  http://community.livejournal.com/klad_v_lesu .

What should I do?

If you found treasure box occasionally, you can consider yourself as an attentive and observant person. Please don’t take the treasure away! Just  leave it at the same place. There are some children in the age from 3 to 12 years around here looking for this box. They can be here soon. Children and their parents will be really upset if they don’t find it. Please read the game rules and you will probably also want to play with us.

If you were looking for the box, then congratulations! You have found the Prom Thep Treasure.

About the treasure

- Inside the container you can find a notepad. Please point there your name and time when you have found the treasure.

- If you have a seal, please make a print in a notepad. If there is a seal inside a container, you can make a print in your personal notepad.

Traveller beast

Traveller beast is an animal with a ribbon. Places already visited by the beast are pointed in the ribbon.

You can take the beast if you plan to find another treasure. Put it into a new place and point the name of the new place on a ribbon. If you have a traveller beast from another place, put it into our container.


This treasures are for exchange. Enjoy them for some time. After that please choose one treasure for yourself and leave the others. Please put another treasure instead of those you have taken.

What do we put in?

Big beautiful seashells, corals, beautiful glass beads, unusual buttons, magnets, foreign coins, reflectors.

Small balls.

Compasses, small flashlights, magnifiers, plaster packs and other useful things.

Real instruments: screwdrivers, scissors, tape-measures.

Beautiful pens, rulers etc.

Clips, beads, bracelets, badges, pendants, etc.

Small cars, tracks, plains, etc.

Wooden or plastic animals.

Small table games.


Little kaleidoscopes and other interesting things.

What we don’t put in

- Food;

- Things that smell;

- Things that get spoiled;

- Things not interesting for children;

- Broken things.

Please think about treasures to put in advance.

Please don’t look at the treasure when other people are around.

When you leave please hide the treasure the same way it was hidden before.

It is better to put a container into a pack so it would be safer from humid and dust.

We ask everybody who has found the treasure to make a note on our website. Please don’t tell us the details so that we could also have some fun looking for it.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the game!

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