Apr 28, 2011 09:23
Said I would journal more and pfft out the window that went! Well no more! Avast ye mateys for here I come!
So the big news...UNC did not accept me. It sucks but I kind of knew it was a long shot in the beginning. Now I am going to just buckle down and find an Acting coach and Vocal coach and prep for this years URTA, SETC, MWTA rounds. I figure with a good coach and the resume that I have finally built I should be able to find a program willing to take a chance on me =)
In other news...the search for a new job...not so good. I keep slogging away though. Trying to find a 9 to 5 with a Retail heavy resume is TOUGH. I did get the passing fancy of going back to school for Culinary arts though...that interests me a great deal. So I'll start looking into some of those programs =)
Not much else going on really. Just work. Helping a friend move tomorrow night and that promises to bring...interesting experiences. Now that I wont be having to hoard my PTO for classes this summer I am thinking about going back down to New Mexico and doing some camping. Just a thought =).
Anywhozules good bye for now =)