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Jun 06, 2009 23:56

 Indie Gypsy (11:49:27 PM): So, for a while, since I got back from CT, I was considering going back to smoking weed after I got a job
Indie Gypsy (11:49:58 PM): but then, the other night, I was around my friends, and they were smoking, with me just sitting there, in this little crowded room
Indie Gypsy (11:50:39 PM): And as the room got hazy, I looked over to my friends who were smoking, and I saw them slowly become like... happy zombie versions of themselves. Like, braindead.
Indie Gypsy (11:50:57 PM): So, when I got home, I was lying in bed before I was going to sleep, thinking to myself
Indie Gypsy (11:51:37 PM): I thought about how, after highschool, I smoked a lot of weed. Like, every single day, for months on end, I was high. And it seemed fun at the time, but then I thought about it more
Indie Gypsy (11:52:31 PM): And I realized that I basically forgot all my memories from highschool. I mean sure, I remember glimpses here and there, but I used to have a really good recollection of all of it- and that was gone.
Indie Gypsy (11:52:50 PM): I mean, I had to focus really hard to even remember what classes I took.
Indie Gypsy (11:53:47 PM): So, I was laying there, thinking "Is that really what I want to do to my life?" Did I really want to become this like... zombified, stupid version of my normal self, with all of this fake, chemically induced happiness?
Indie Gypsy (11:54:58 PM): And I thought even more. I want to be a school teacher one day. And I want to be a father. If I don't just stop with it altogether now, I'd run the chance of being one of those creepy older guys who still smoked, and, let's face it, I would be a really bad role model for my students and my own kids.
Indie Gypsy (11:55:53 PM): So, at the end of the night, I decided I didn't want anything to do with that anymore. I mean, I'm not going to disown my friends just because they smoke, but I'm sure as hell never going to smoke weed again.
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