Jul 13, 2005 22:43
There, I now have a non Bitchplease icon. Weird week so far. I spent most of Monday in a Cleveland City Council hearing about the proposed panhandling ordinance. I'm against it, but unfortunately the vendors of The Homeless Grapevine decided they were for it because they think it will reduce their competition. Who got stuck writing their position on the matter? yeah, that's right. . . me. What's worse is that The Free Times picked up on the fact that the Grapevine is taking a different position than NEOCH because that asshole Joe Cimperman (City Council douche bag) copied the letter and gave a copy to everyone at the hearing. So now the Free Times has published most of a letter I wrote (uncredited, of course) taking a position with which I don't agree. I know writing anonymous things comes with the non-profit territory, but it really sucks that this letter is what got published. I've written a number of articles of which I'm much more proud since I started at the Grapevine. Have they wanted to run any of those and give me some money for freelancing? Of course not, instead they run the crap letter I wrote anonymously. Why did I still have to write it well? I should have made it unintelligible. So now this stupid law is almost definitely going to pass and it's partly my fault.
I guess I'm really just bumming because I still haven't heard back from the New Yorker about the story I submitted. I know I don't have a shot in hell of getting them to publish it, but I want them to at least acknowledge I sent it by giving me a rejection letter. That way I can start shopping it around to other literary mags and get some $$ coming in beside my meager stipend.
I'm also getting really irritated with the non-response of my volunteers. I emailed them last month and again last week about getting me their submissions so I can have this issue done before I have to go to Hallifax. Have I heard from any of them? No! ARRG!
By the way, Katie. I know you're still looking for a job. I know it's not the best job in the world, but you could sell the Grapevine. It's all cash and under the table. Some of our vendors make quite a bit of money doing it if you're interested. Just a thought. You get ten free papers to start, so you could try it out with nothing except time invested. Let me know what you think.