Jan 22, 2006 23:15
Tonight about 10 minutes ago I had to make a decision that was the hardest one I had to make. I once again Kyle would let go of the girl I love more then life itself. I listen to her voice over the phone wondering what emotions she is going through, but I have no idea, she has no idea. Can’t blame her, maybe I was asking a little too much from her. The love that I have, gave her was more then I thought I could express. Give to someone else, never really knew I had such feelings for a girl. Their will be something good out of this breakup. We both should know if we really want to be with one another, and if our feelings are the same, if we can both say and look into each others eyes and mean every letter in LOVE. I love Brittni and I always will. What makes this even better is, if we do end up seeing other people and another girl asks me have I eve felt this way before, I will be able to look her in the eyes and say Yes. I have the honor and privilege to have Brittni Nicole Vaughan to be my first one true love. Brittni will always be my girl and that will never change no matter who she is talking to or with. I will always be here for her. I know she has told some of her friends about the line I used from Forest Gump, but I meant ever word of it. She is my girl. I love you Brittni and I hope you will find yourself, and once you do I will be waiting for you.