I can't decide if I'm miffed about Catwoman's Road Home issue. PS--Spoilers for anybody who actually gives two shits about The Return of Bruce Wayne/The Road Home and has no idea what shocking things are happening in the bat-books. Well, The Road Home anyway since once again I can't even stand to look at Batman and Robin
I think maybe I should go with "yes" since valuable Bat/Cat reunion time is wasted on Harley and Ivy shenanigans. (Why exactly is Selina hanging out with murderous psychopaths again?) Also, Bat/Cat reunion time ends very abruptly so I am going to assume they had hot, dirty "you're not dead" sex.
I feel like I should be grateful that, in a book with Vicki Vale in full Silver Age Lois Lane mode, Selina doesn't get catty. Selina getting catty is almost always a mistake since she's been tapping that for 70 years. And by "that" I mean Batman. Vicki hasn't been around quite that long, and Selina could pull Wonder Woman. Why's she going to settle for a Lois Lane knockoff?
Is this the first appearance of the
Batman: TAS costume in comics continuity? I'm pretty sure it is, and that Catwoman unlocks the handcuffs as she elbows Batman in the face.
And here's how Selina recognizes Bruce in his super-sekrit disguise of the Bat-suit with a different mask and the insignia peeled off:
Okay, so the "stolen heart" thing's a callback to the flashback earlier in the episode and the whole Hush business, but I prefer to think it's more about his crotch up against her ass. Especially since "a stolen heart" is some of the laziest Bat/Cat banter I think I've ever seen. I bet he's bat-disappointed that he didn't get to say something about taming her or having her de-clawed or something.
Looking at this again, I think I'm supposed to read it as him treating her like Commissioner Gordon, but my HOT SEX ending is way better. Much like my version of the Bat/Cat date night from my last post. Also Jesus Christ god dammit, weren't we promised that this would be the end of Batjerk? What the hell happened to the Batman from Catwoman OYL?