mmm, heavy-handing the foreshadowing

Nov 13, 2011 11:35

NaNoWriMo 2011

Dreams Can Come True If You Shut Up and Write

I fell, like, 8k-ish, words behind while trying to bang out the indexing for the promptalogue. That was pretty intense, but now it's done and out of the way.

I am really determined to get to 25k, or as close as I can, by the 15th. That gives me today, tomorrow, and Tuesday to get there. 11,000 words, three days. I usually write 2k at night, when I get writing done at all, so a little less than another 2k somewhere during the day shouldn't be that bad... right? COME ON, SELF. YOU CAN DO IIIIIT.

Ugh, but by stopping I lost a LOT of momentum. The last three hundred words took me two hours to write. (I... really wish I were exaggerating... /o\)

So, in an attempt to spice things up, and get back on track, I grabbed a pad of paper and made an outline of what's left, and got super excited about the ending. Then I was like, wtf, it's my november, my story. I'm going to write-sketch through the last scene, then come back to this. I've got a really good feel for it, and while I can't seem to think of even one more word for where I currently am, I have a hundred all ready to go just to start that scene. So I started it, and got another 200 words in ten minutes. woooo.

Except... now I'm stuck because... I. well. I'm really not sure I want to do this to my characters :/ It's really awful, and people are going to get hurt, and everyone will be scared and I just... feel so bad DDD:


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