Who: Anissina (open to anyone)
Where: the garden
When: Afternoon, day 2 (after
Conrad's post)
After turning down a few corridors and finding no one of any use, Anissina eventually retreats to the garden for a chance to sit and plan her next move. Certainly Gwendal had been avoiding her since their arrival back at Shin Makoku (she just can't help but tease him sometimes!), but even then, usually she had relatively no difficulties finding him...
With a sigh, Anissina sits down on the nearest surface and focuses her gaze on the nearby flowers, Conrad Stands Upon the Earth, that Lady Cheri had cross-breeded some years ago. Their namesake hadn't been much help....possibly on purpose. Maybe "Liar-Liar-Pants-On-Fire-Kun" should be next on her list of inventions to try out... Until then, though, she still needs to solve this current problem...
She looks out across the garden and into some of the lower floors' windows. Now who would know the whereabouts of Gwendal and would be likely to tell her....?