Disclaimer: Harry Potter, et all are property of JK Rowling, and Bloomsbury, and Warner Bros and all those other nifty people that make it so we can read and watch the Potterverse whenever we feel like it. I make no money from this, just so you know.
Summary: [LM/HP] When Harry was 5 he had a pet butterfly. The butterfly could turn into a man who lived in Harry’s basement. That man killed Vernon when Harry turned 8. That man is a Death Eater who has been training Harry in how to be a proper Pureblood Heir. Harry was always told he was a bit like a Caterpillar and one day he’d be a Butterfly too. Sorted into Ravenclaw, when he starts Hogwarts, Harry learns that sometimes it’s much harder to keep secrets than it is to tell lies. But it could be worse: he could have been a Slytherin. As if enough people didn’t look at him funny already!
Warnings: Slash. LM/HP: HP/other(possibly DM)(minor). AU. Character Death. Violence. Language. Ravenclaw Harry. Underage. Attempted Non-Con.
Rating: R/NC-17 SLASH!!
A/N: I have the author’s permission to use Evan Rosier as that Death Eater.
Words: 3,614
Chapter 24