Wolfram's Birthday Themed Event

Sep 14, 2011 23:08

We're finally getting somewhere with the planning! Yay!

So the previous poll decided that the theme this time will be Wolfram's Birthday! So Happy Birthday Wolfram YAY!

There is one last thing to decide however:


If it is an anon event then I will set up an email for participants to send their works to. If it is open then anyone who puts the tag: "Wolfram's Birthday Event 2011" before the Deadline of December 1st will be eligible to win exciting Wolfram doujinshi prizes that I will post details of on the official sign up post that will happen in a week. (Comments on the official sign up post will be screened if the poll comes out in favor of Anonymous entries.)

For now I was planning on very basic rules. All submissions (whether they be art, media, or fiction) must contain the theme and feature Wolfram. Fiction must be at least 1000 words, art must be completed and not done on notebook/lined paper, and icons/media must show comparable effort to the other submissions. I suppose I can come up with more details for the official post, but I think that *should* cover it. Please let me know if you have any suggestions and I will include them in the sign up post.

Thank you all!

wolfram's birthday event 2011

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