[KKM] Novel Traslation List (Lista de traducciones de las novelas)

Mar 12, 2011 18:11

I worked in this list a lot for the past month, or more maybe, I don't remember xD I wanted to make a list like this when clavelsangrante start some one like this, I help a little and both of us made this list whit all the links to all the novel traslations and manga we know. This have the links to complete chapter, complete volumes, or fragments/whatever other things. CD-drama traslations too, everything like that maded by fans for fans.

I don't think this have all of the things are arround, and if you know about traslations, or you do traslations which aren't in the list please tell me for update it. I didn't want to share the list before I complete all I can. The idea is add all the traslations of all the languajes, but I only know the ones in english and spanish.

We need more help to complete this, and I want to share what we have at the moment too. Enjoy traslations, and remember coment the traslators ;P


information, translations, manga, official informations, drama cds

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