Thank you ,friending meme is on it's way!!! And maybe a contest?

Apr 12, 2010 15:44

Everyone, thank you for the feedback! Of course if more people want to tell me what they think or their ideas of the community feel free to do it in this post ok?
I wanted to tell you that in a few hours I will change the password for the doujinshi and you will be able to get them only by commenting in the post linked on the profile page.
So now, I'm in the process to write down the questions for the friending meme, if you don't know what is a friending meme you can check it's description here
If any of you has questions that she/he would like to see in the friending meme, by any mean email them to me, you can find my email in the community profile page near the affiliation part.
I'll wait until tomorrow and then post the meme.

Now, today it came to my attention that we've been using for the community the same icons for a long time, we had an incontest few years ago and the winners got a prize and their most voted icons became the community icons. Now, since a lot of new images came out in these years, I about doing it again?
Who would be up for an icon contest?
I would give away some of my doujinshi as prizes too^^

P.S. There is a funny game in the post before this one, Check it out?XD

mod post, contest announcements

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