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animekitty421 January 19 2010, 02:36:03 UTC
I still have lots of KKM merch that I'm happy to offer as prizes if you want...I'd rather give them away then throw out my extras! Let me know!


somniumdreams January 19 2010, 03:01:25 UTC
That would be so wonderful!

Right now we're trying to find a third option that is not Wolfram X Yuuri related, because since the contest is for all pairings, only having prizes in that vein would seem silly. So beyond the figurine, and one Yuuram doujinshi, anything else you would like to donate that would serve as another option for people would be great! <3


animekitty421 January 19 2010, 03:15:34 UTC
Hmmm...you can pick anything from my selling page: http://animekitty421.livejournal.com/4412.html#cutid1

I'd probably suggest one or some of the following:
any clearfile
DVD postcards (a few or all, whichever)
Special Carnival SP1
Special Carnival SP9
Part 4 SP5
Part 4 SP9
Any of the normal trading card sets
A Wolfram-focused lot of normal trading cards

Most of the items are group-specific so that will get you away from WolframxYuuri. The Wolfram card lot is the closest I can come to Wolfram-specific. ^_^ Let me know if anything interests you!


somniumdreams January 20 2010, 05:17:21 UTC
Sorry for the wait! I'm tempted by the underwear clearfile, or the wolfram focused lot of cards. The clearfile because it is universally adorable (my favorite of all of them and is on my wall as I type this... XD) and the cards because they're so nifty and rare to me. I feel like since you're the one making such a generous offer, I should leave the final choice up to you however. *hugs* Thank you so much!!


animekitty421 January 20 2010, 18:52:19 UTC
I love the underwear clearfile, too! It's one of the best KKM merchandise items in my opinion. ^_^ Honestly, I'll probably never be able to sell the cards (too many extras, lol), so I'm happy to donate both items. It'll be a nice little package prize. ^_^ Or you could pair up the cards with another of your prizes. Anyways, I'm happy to donate both!


somniumdreams January 21 2010, 00:04:24 UTC
Thank you so much! Do you think you could send me a picture of the cards? That way I can post a prize-post with all of the items listed. <3


animekitty421 January 25 2010, 04:39:24 UTC
oh goodness...I misplaced this message...sorry I didn't respond sooner! I'll get you the pics asap! Sorry! >_


somniumdreams January 26 2010, 16:59:39 UTC
Don't worry about it! I was busy the last few days and wouldn't have had time to make the post anyway. Just send them when you can. <3


animekitty421 February 3 2010, 05:47:14 UTC
goodness, it's been the busiest couple of weeks ever!! I'm usually not this bad about getting back to people! >_< So sorry!! Anyways, where should I send the pics to? I actually just sold the underwear clearfile, but I have a nice backup - it's the 2010 calendar from Asuka! ^_^


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