Title: Bewteen Two Worlds
Author: Schnickledooger (me)
Rating: All Audiences
Characters: Wolfram, Gwendal, Conrart, Celi, Waltorana, (others)
Genre: Family/General
Setting: Pre-war Great Demon Kingdom
Chapters: 4/?
Summary: Young Wolfram’s world is thrown into chaos when his uncle Waltorana attempts to gain his custody from Celi.
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3 Le gasp! My very first "Client Error: Post too large" ever! :coughs in shock and scratches head on where to split fic up:
Ch.4 In a Sticky Predicament
(PART 1) (PART 2) :huffs and puffs: Wow, that took some time! Read and enjoy!^-~