Hhhhiiiiii ^_^ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
You all remember my wolfie doll & his outfits right??? coz now he need new clothes..
Well.. the problem is that today.. Actually the past 2 weeks I've been trying soooo desperately to sew something new but there was no luck.. I feel that I had already sewed every thing that came in to my mind T_T
So now I have this idea.. how about YOU helping ME ????
I have lots of deferent materials that you will see right now .. cotton, fluffy thing?? Anyway.. and satin…
I will be grateful & happier if you helped me sew something new by giving me some ideas.. ppppllleeeaaaasssseee.. post your ideas, designs & drawings.. and I really hope that you all will have fun
The first one is cotton
The fluffy puffy thing?? ^_^;