Hello everyone!!
Here is your mod happily giving the welcome to all the new members!
I'm sorry to be so away, I'm on a little hiatus but I'm trying to keep up with the community and failing most of the time >_<
No, seriously, I realized we got a lot of new members recently (making us the 2nd biggest KKM comm on livejournal *happy*) and I thought it was nice to remind everyone of the rules, then help the new members to find their way around the community.
A lot of times I saw members asking questions about novels, drama cds, things we have in this community under the right tags but people don't realize it.
So, after the rules, I'll post also the descriptions of the most useful tags of this community hoping that everyone will be able to find what he/she wants.
And in the end, an idea for the upcoming 3rd season^^
1. No character or pairing bashing, please.
2. Please be polite to other members of the community. Avoid making statements that might offend or make others uncomfortable. Discussions are loved but when you realize that your comment or your POV might offend someone please, refrain from continuing.
We know that for a lot of members english isn't their mother language but remember that the tone is hard to understand when you write so please be careful. Flaming is NOT allowed.
3. Only Wolfram related posts are allowed in this community. Non-Wolfram related posts such as RPG advertisements are not allowed. We do allow community pimping, but please ask one of the mods for clarification and approval before posting something not Wolfram-centered.
4. Large posts (basically longer than 6 lines) should be lj cut. Feel free to ask the mods for help with this if you're new to lj and/or am having trouble with it.
5. Please respect the wishes of doujinshi sharers and scanners of pics/magazines, those who translate, provide media etc. regarding the material and information that they share. Most of these posts are locked because they are an exclusive to members of the community, so the works/information contained therein are NOT meant to be linked or shared anywhere outside the community without the author's express permission.
6. Posts of an adult nature (anything rated R and above), posts with media sharing, dj sharing etc. should be locked.
7. Cross-post with discretion to avoid f-list flooding. We love reading every post, but if you're cross-posting between different communities, please wait a day or two before posting the same thing on another KKM community. It is not advisable to make more than one post per day, so if you're planning to post a lot, please consolidate everything into one post.
8. If you're posting fanworks, rate it appropriately and post a warning if it has adult content, sexual content, violence, character death etc. If you don't want to post warnings to avoid spoilers, you must state so clearly or place the warnings under lj cut.
9. If your post contains spoilers for any part of KKM canon (anime/novels), please post under lj cut and include a warning for spoilers.
10. Posts requesting for passwords or reuploads will be deleted. Requests for reuploads or passwords should ONLY be made
here. This link can also be found in the userinfo of the comm.
And now on the tag guide, not all the tags are listed here, I decided to put only the most useful when trying to look for an info.
media sharing
you can find songs, drama cds, episodes under this tag. We don't have all the episodes but we do have some of them thanks to our nice members.
it has infos, dialogues and screenshots from the PS2 games, especially from Hajimari no tabi"
drama cds
you can find all the drama cds I shared, they are not a lot but since I try to translate them too I think it would be quite interesting for you to check. Please remember that the download is password protected because the file is meant to be only for Wolfram community and is not meant to be shared anywhere.
exactly what is says, there are translations of drama cds, doujinshi, songs, extracts from the novels and full novel chapters.
doujinshi sharing
Yes there are doujinshi shared here, posted a la yaoi daily and posted in zips. Please remember the wishes to not share them anywhere. Sadly after that big problem with underage pictures being not allowed, I had to delete some of the doujinshi (they weren't underage but the drawing looked like that so better be safe than sorry) , however the zips on the reupload posts are still working so do not hesitate to reply under the reupload request post and ask for the password.
doujinshi reupload
Like I said, there are doujinshi here, under those posts you can ask a reupload of the already shared doujinshi.
want to write a fanfiction but don't know the dynamics? Want to find more info about Wolfram and hear from the members what they think? Just check this tag, we have a lot of discussions with a lot of infos about Wolfram and taken directly from anime/manga/novels/drama cds. You can find a lot of things.
novel talk
we usually post here both discussions about novels and translations of the novels. make sure to check it out ok?
And now the idea, I won't cut this XDDD
I don't know how many members were there when the serie aired in Japan, but at that time, during the final episodes, some members started to organize chatroom sessions during the exact time when the episode was airing in Japan.
Because on a certain japanese message board, jap people used to post screenshots from the episode while it was airing and we commented on them even if we didn't know what was happening (because they didn't write it). It was fun and I think it's also a nice way to meet other fans, This is by no mean restricted to only this community members, everyone is free to join, the more the merrier.
At that time we had a channel on irc, but it can be everywhere, if people like the idea we can organize something using the client everyone wants to use and have a place to meet and chat and comment on the episodes.
I decided to say it now so that we have still 1 month and half to organize everything but I need to know if you would be interested in this first of all.
And I think this is all?
So, enjoy your stay here and please for any info/question/doubt write us, we'll answer as soon as we can.
And please, let me know if this idea of the chatroom is something you'd like ok? I need to know your opinion^^
In the end, thank you both members and the other mods, for making this community so enjoyable, I'm very proud of what we became in only two years^^