Title: One Sleepless Night
Author: vivarina
Prompt: Lullaby
Pairings: Mainly Wolf/Yuu, slight Mura/Wolf
Rating: G
Warning: No real lullaby, ‘lullaby’ is more of a metaphor. Set after Conrad's betrayal arc, assuming everything is back to normal.
Entirely from Yuuri's point of view. His thoughts are in italics.
Summary: An insight into Yuuri's thoughts on a
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Comments 15
....Yuuri you idiot *headpalm*
Cute fic, love it ^^ i always loved fics with MuraWolf implications X)
I'm glad you liked ^^
I thought Yuuri and Wolfram were very in character, and from what I've read of the novels via your translations it seems very much like Yuuri's train of thought. It's sort of rambling and not really sure what he means, just like Yuuri. Very well done. ^_^
The one piece of concrit I can offer is that the overuse of ellipses ("...") is kind of distracting. I understand the use of them as far as Yuuri's thoughts not being exact sentences, but in the dialogue especially it seemed a bit much. I overuse ellipses a lot too and I understand the inclination, believe me, but the more people point it out to me the more I realize that a period ending a statement can be just as effective. ^_^
Thank you especially for your advice about the ellipses. Now that you've pointed it out to me, I do see your point about them. I'll definitely keep that in mind if I write anymore fanfics in the future ^_^
The MuraWolf implications fit in well too. :3
Good luck with the contest! ^^
And thanks too for your well-wishes ^_^
And it's so sweet Yuuri cannot sleep until Wolf comes to the room. So sweet. I think the prompt was okay =), and also you can relate it a bit with Wolfram's soft snoring.
Thank you for reading it ^_^
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