I just wanted to share some pictures of myself in the Wolfram outfit that took me about 50-100 hours to sew. The pictures focus on Wolfram but characters that also appear in cosplay are: Yuuri (played by my beta and the amazing
melusine474), Conrad, Gwendal, Murata, and Yozak. Enjoy! ^.^
ALSO please note that this is the MANGA version of the outfits... which is why the trim is black and the fabric is darker...
What's on underneath it all. (That, and binding)
Close up (I made the cravat shorter after looking at this picture XD)
Body shot
Sitting down
Camera Whore
What has Wolfram found in his closet?
Better one
Everyone on stage
Gwendal: "What is this rumpus?!"
Yuuri: "He invaded my personal bubble"
Wolfram: "And?"
Pre- Con/Wolf fanservice
Post- Con/Wolf fanservice
Wolf/Yuu fanservice
Little Wolfram that I paid way too much for but will never part with:
Sorry if that was too many pictures.... I spent a lot of time on the costumes (I made Wolfram and Conrad) You'll probably see a few more pictures of us up in the main com in a month or so once we get them back from the pro-studio. But I just couldn't wait to share these...<3