Fanart for "The way we are", (outlines so far)

Apr 23, 2007 15:45

Title: Moment of weakness (outlines)
Artist: me
Rating: PG, to be save
Pairing: Wolfyuu/Yuuram
Notes:  I´m so nervous right now I tell you!! ^^;; We had drawing session yesterday at a friend´s place and because I read the 8th chapter of
_miyuchan_´s "The way we are" and there I fell in love with the feeling I had during reading a scene, I tried to draw it.
It´s not, what I originally wanted to draw, miyuchan,  that picture is still going (I just hate backgrounds like they hate me XD), but I totally had to do this! ^^;;; *hidesanywhere* I hope, I didn´t get a totally wrong idea about background and clothing, but there is much space to imagine that, as you don´t really describe things like this. Maybe I´m going to make a coloured version, I don´t know >_<; I hope you like it

>>Shut up! I don't want to think anymore! Wolfram let out a big sigh and looked at the sleeping figure on the bed. He allowed a small smile to find its way to his lips. Wolfram's hand moved on its own accord and gently caressed that black hair he liked so much.

Just for one moment, give me just this moment of weakness Shinou, and then I'll be fine for the rest of my life...

I missed you so much...<< [The way we are, chapter 8]

Picture is here

artist - anchan1107, fanart

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