Happy V-day Bard_of_Death

Feb 27, 2008 01:31

Time slowed, as Gwendal watched in absolute horror as the pitch fork landed with a loud “clang” on the bare stable floor.

“What was that?!” He heard Conrart shout, followed by frantic sounds of rustling as Gwendal could only guess was Conrart attempting to sit up from under Jozak’s heavy frame.

Not even pausing to consider what would be the most efficient manner of dealing with his current situation, Gwendal dove forward, launching his large body over the closed pen door of the opposite stall.  He landed ungracefully on his back, but mercifully there was enough straw in this stall to not only break his fall but also muffle his landing.

Gwendal crouched in the dark corner, as he watched Jozak’s bare chest appear over the top of the stall that was now diagonal to him.  The spy looked into the stall that Gwendal had previously vacated, before glancing upwards again to scan across the stable.

“Do you see anything?” Conrart asked, as stood up next to his lover.

“Nope.” Was Jozak’s reply, “I think that it was that pitchfork.” He said pointing at the downed object. “Proll’y just fell over.”

Conrart sighed, relief showing on his still flushed face, “ That’s good, for a moment…”

“You thought it was Gwendal, didn’t you.” Jozak said as he wrapped his arms around Conrart’s waist.

Gwendal scowled when Conrart said nothing and looked abashed, casting his eyes away from Jozak.

The spy laughed as he pulled Conrart closer and planted a kiss on the side of his captain’s cheek, “Aww, come on, Conrart, your sourpuss of a brother is probably locked away in his office taking care of his majesty’s duties.”

He is so in trouble. Gwendal thought as he glared at the red-haired letch.

“Come on, lets get back to what we were doing…” Jozak smiled, tugging Conrart to follow him.

Gwendal watched the pair disappear behind the stall again.  It seemed he was stuck in this stall until his brother and lover were fully engaged once more in their lovemaking, before he could even attempt to leave.

He gave an exasperated sigh, as he settled into position that was comfortable enough to allow him to ignore the excited gasps and moans of the lovers.

“Let’s just hope,” He heard Jozak comment slyly, “That when Von Kliest gets back, he’ll replace that stick up your brother’s ass with his own…”

Gwendal crossed his arms.  He could take waiting the situation out until he could escape, but hell be damned if he would take Jozak’s insults.  Gwendal knew he couldn’t outright punish Jozak for his insolence, but he had his ways.

Come tomorrow, justice would be meted out for a certain spy.


March 6th, Morning

Sent Gurrier away on a mission to the furthest borders of Shin Makoku.  He will stay there and observe the villagers to see how they are adjusting to His Majesty’s rule and new policies.  The duration of his stay there will be determined from his reports.

Gurrier was a bit flustered when I called him this morning and explained his assignment.  I do not care if he has already gone to that area before.  Who knows how people are adjusting?  People’s views can change over the course of a month.  While it is important for him to investigate this matter further, I think it’ll be good to have some time away from Conrart…by good, I mean good for my sanity.  Hopefully Conrart will not suspect the true meaning of this mission.

No word from Gunter as of yet, and no sign of Anissina…or Dakaskos for that matter.  Poor man, I must remember to grant him a few extra days of leave this year.  Seeing that there is little paper work this morning, I think I will retire to the library until lunch.  I need to finish making that plush bear for Greta.


March 6th, Noon

Needles are missing.  So are my spares.  Suspect that Conrart is on to me.


Okay, that is all for now, I will finish this I promise!!!  My graduation thesis is getting underway, and I'll try to get the rest of this done in my spare moments!!!

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