Pinch Hitter?

Mar 20, 2008 01:11

Hi everyone! I don't think that episode 9 got posted today, so I was wondering if someone might want to pinch hit...unless I hear from the person who signed up to host, which I haven't yet. There's no huge rush on it, if episodes 10 and 11 get up before 9 it's all right given the circumstances. ^_^ I'm going to sleep in a minute, but basically the first person who comments here can have the episode as long as you agree to follow the hosting guidelines, no need to wait for a Mod to confirm that you can do it. ^_^

As for the host for episode 10 and hosts for the rest of the week? Please just post as scheduled. We'll get episode 9 up eventually but I don't want to hold things up.

Everyone please check the schedule and reminder posts and look at your dates, and please let me or chasingphantoms know if you can't host on time. It'd really help us out to have a heads-up if possible.

Thanks so much!

pinch hit request

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