Episode 94: The Wincott Inheritance

Dec 17, 2009 15:51

Episode 94: The Wincott Inheritance

If you need to watch the episode, check out this post (community locked) for information!

Screencaps from here.

Alright, guys! You like stories about children, fairies and anachronistic mechas? Then have we got a show for you! :D

This episode begins IN THE PAST. Blood Pledge Castle is still being constructed and Shinou is praising some strange new invention meant to protect Shin Makoku.

Huh, wonder what it could be?

After the title screen, it's back to the present! We see Delchias traveling to the castle in a carriage, holding a mysterious box. Back at the castle, Yuuri and Co. are ready and waiting to greet him. Delchias is flattered by the warm reception and Yuuri can't help but think of how much he looks like Julia...

Also, it turns out that Conrad was Delchias' swordfighting instructor. Cool.

During this conversation, Günter looks rather troubled. We soon learn why.

Lindsey emerges from the carriage and throws a frog in Günter's face. Cute little tyke.

Delchias apologizes for his son's behavior, which Yuuri and Conrad merely wave off. Günter...less so.

Meanwhile, Lindsey is exploring the castle gardens and is just barely stopped from trampling some flowers by Greta.

Lindsey seems slightly enraptured by her and immediately apologizes.

Back with the grown-ups, we've unpacked Delchias' mysterious box, which seems to contain some ancient records of the Wincott family. They refer to a secret hidden within Blood Pledge Castle, dating back to its construction.

Though apparently, anyone who uncovers this secret will die. :D

This freaks everyone out. Well, everyone but Anissina. She's rather excited about it all. It's a challenge to her inventive genius!

She tries to use her newest invention, which seems to be the equivalent of an alligator-shaped fax machine, to decipher the secret from the ancient document. But all it does is shred the priceless records into tiny little pieces. Ouch.

Next, they decide to ask an eyewitness and go to Murata for answers. However, it was four thousand years ago and Murata's feeling a bit senile. He can't remember any secret device. Yuuri says they should go ask Shinou now, something that Murata discourages. After all, this is the time of year the priestesses do their annual cleaning. You wouldn't wanna get roped into that!

Ah, that explains what Murata is doing here at the castle in the first place. Lazy bum.

Back in the stables, Dakaskos is trying to calm one of the horses. It's been acting strange ever since it came back from Shinou's temple... Huh, I wonder if it has anything to do with the tiny stowaway hiding under its saddle?

This same tiny figure dashes past the maids, mopping the castle floors. A mouse on a mission, perhaps?

It makes its way to the garden, where its identity is finally revealed. It's mini-Shinou, here to see if the rumors he'd heard about the Wincott secret were true. But before he can do anything, a dark shadow befalls him from overhead. Looks like Greta and Lindsey have found themselves a grand new toy. :D

As Shinou flies around the garden, the children chase him relentlessly. Greta convinces Lindsey that it must be a fairy! If they catch it, they'll be able to use its pixie dust to fly! Yuuri must've read Peter Pan to Greta as a bedtime story...

The children run deep into the garden, but lose sight of Shinou. However, they do find a mysterious lion-shaped carving. Lindsey touches its nose and the mouth opens! He thinks this must be where the fairy escaped to. Lindsey slips and falls into the opening, which seems to act like a giant slide as both he and Greta go tumbling down into the lion's mouth - which closes behind them!

Upon reaching the bottom, the kids find themselves in a small round room. But then the floor begins to move, taking them upwards like a giant elevator. They reach the top, which appears to be...a mecha control room?

Lindsey randomly presses a button (always a good idea) and suddenly, cogs and gears begin to rotate ominously.

The rumbling shakes the whole castle and Günter observes a distant turret coming apart. Huh, what's that thing coming out of the crumbling turret? It's... It's...

Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. It's a giant mecha version of Ukiku-Günter?

As Yuuri and Conrad dash out to investigate, Murata confirms that this is the Wincott secret. From a nearby rooftop, Shinou looks on.

After the commercial break, Murata comes clean about the mecha, telling everyone that it'd been created with the intention of protecting Shin Makoku. It's called the Daikenja New Edition Machine, because it had black hair and eyes, just like the Daikenja did. Natch.

Meanwhile, up inside the mecha, the kids try randomly pressing more buttons. 'Cause it worked out so well the first time.

It opens up its mouth and proceeds to do what mechas do best: BLOW SHIT UP. In this case, a faraway mountain.

Let's have a moment of silence for the 2.5 mountain hermits who lost their lives in this tragedy.

Murata's all SEE I TOLD YOU SO and Yuuri's all WTF NO YOU DIDN'T.

But Anissina has a plan! Hold your breath, everybody! With a snap of her fingers, several of the castle guards step forward from the rooftops, holding...giant mirrors?

Wonder where this is headed.

Turns out they're part of her newest invention, but she needs magic to power it. So Gwendal, Günter and even Delchias lend her their powers. PEDAL, BOYS. PEDAL.

As the magic is gathered, the mirrors begin to glow. AND THEN THEY SHOOT LASERS.

Lasers that rock the mecha, with the children still trapped inside! Bad idea, guys.

However, after the smoke clears, it's revealed that only a small hole was blown in the lower portion of the mecha, disabling it.

Meanwhile, Shinou has revealed himself to everyone, perched once again on Murata's shoulder. Murata is not pleased.

Shinou explains that he's become smaller as a result of being so far away from his temple.

Shinou then points out the fact that, yes, there are children in that mecha. Which seems kinda easy to see, once you look up at the darn thing. (Doesn't anybody take a closer look before shooting lasers at a ginormous hostile mecha anymore?)

So now it's time to SAVE THE BABIES.

Yuuri suggests using the Kohi to fly up and rescue them, but Conrad tells him that the Kohi have already shed their winds at this time of year. So they're just regular skeletons now and won't be of much use in mid-air rescue missions.

The kids call out for help, freaking out their respective daddies. Once again, guys. SAVE THE BABIES.

At the foot of the mecha, Wolfram notices a small entrance. It's too bad we don't have any pint-sized characters in our group that might be able to fit through...

Or do we?

And so, it's up to Shinou and Ukiku-Günter to save the day!

Günter is embarrassed to be reduced to such a state in front of Yuuri. Aw, but he's so cute!

Shinou and Günter make their way through the mecha's tiny passageway in hopes of rescuing the children. Günter continues to be distraught. And indeed, he has good reason to be, as he manages to trigger every single booby trap laid in their path!

As our intrepid little rescue party makes their way up the structure, the mecha continues to fall apart. The kids are quite scared now.


Greta does her best to reassure Lindsey that Yuuri will save them. SHE BELIEVES IN HER DADDY.

Just then, the kids notice a mysterious red light shining from the floor. Wonder what that could be?

Ah, it's Ukiku-Günter's mouth-laser punching on through! Hooray! He tries to reassure the kids that they'll be alright, but Lindsey doesn't believe him. However, when a giant gear comes loose and starts hurtling toward the kids, Günter saves the day by stopping it before they're smashed flat. DAMN STRAIGHT.

Meanwhile, Shinou encourages the kids to escape and they're more than a little confused by their fairy friend's reappearance. Even more importantly, it's gotta be at least a hundred feet or more to the ground! Lindsey's sure they wouldn't be able to survive such a fall. Shinou scoffs at such a remark from a Wincott descendant. (In the kid's defense, he's gotta be like six or seven, right? I'd cut him a little slack.)

Suddenly, Lindsey remembers what Greta told him about fairies giving children the ability to fly... So, without further ado, he grabs hold of Greta and Shinou and proceeds to take a flying leap out of the mecha. However, Shinou is not a fairy, so it's lucky for them that they have the Maou on hand to save them from a messy landing with his water magic. Whee! Now they're in a bubble like Glinda the Good Witch! :D

Wolfram catches Greta and Conrad catches Lindsey and all is right with the world. The Maou commends Lindsey's courage and proceeds to destroy the mecha.

But wait, isn't Günter still inside?!

The Maou looses his grip on Yuuri, leaving him a tad woozy but still conscious. Lindsey notices Ukiku-Günter's tiny form breaking free from the wreckage. He runs and catches it, but... No response. Oh no, has Günter really bought the farm this time?!

Lindsey blames himself and begins to cry. The rest of the cast don't seem quite as worried. Unfeeling bastards.

Ah, that's because the real Günter is alive and well (and naked) in Anissina's little cryo-chamber thingie.

As he regains consciousness, Lindsey runs over to give him a big hug. D'aww.

Turns out Günter was saved by Delchias just in the nick of time.

We then flashback to ancient times once more, right after the mecha's completion.

We now discover that the true reason the mecha was sealed away was because Daikenja was embarrassed by it. Shinou, you rascal.

And apparently that embarrassment still lingers on, as Murata expresses his opinion that the damn thing should've just been destroyed four thousand years ago. But Shinou thinks things turned out well, as the experience served to give Lindsey courage and hope.

Later that day, Delchias and Lindsey are taking their leave and bidding their farewells. Lindsey invites Greta over for a future playdate and off they go! Yuuri wonders when the kids managed to become such good friends. Murata says that relationship could be fun in the future, prompting Yuuri and Wolfram to go into overprotective-daddy mode. After all, Greta's way too young to be thinking about marriage!

My Thoughts:

Well, this wraps up my little trifecta of filler episodes. It's been fun, y'all!

I especially enjoyed this episode for that most awesome of buddycop pairings, Mini-Shinou and Ukiku-Günter! Tre awesome.

Next Episode: episode 95, hosted by mikagechan.
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