Episode 92: The Moon Reflecting on the Water

Dec 15, 2009 19:24

Episode 92: The Moon Reflecting on the Water

If you need to watch the episode, check out this post (community locked) for information!

Screencaps from here.

Well, folks. It's that time of year again. Get out your eggnog and gingerbread, 'cause it's time for a Christmas episode!

...Kinda. Okay, not really. But it's as close as we're gonna get! :D

The episode begins on the Earth of Christmas Past with a pan over streets and houses decorated to the nines with holiday lights and wreaths. Soon, we see Shouri and Yuuri as children staying up late to decorate the family tree in preparation for their parents' arrival home. (From work, I guess?)

Yuuri asks Shouri what he wants from Santa this year. Shouri's going to ask for a video game. Uh-huh. I bet you are, Shouri. I just bet you are. :|

And Yuuri wants the moon. As you do.

After the episode title, we're back to present day in Shin Makoku, with Yuuri studying for an algebra final. Ew.

Murata points out that Yuuri has an unfair advantage over the other students, since time flows differently between Earth and Shin Makoku. (Though, hell, if I had to run a country and attend high school at the same time, I'd take all the advantages I could get!)

Suddenly, Anissina appears with the daily plot device!

Her latest invention is a hypnotherapy helmet, "Learn While You're Sleeping"-kun.

Kinda self-explanatory.

Now, Yuuri's off to go study at home! With Murata, Wolfram and Conrad in tow.


Oh, this is also the episode where we see Murata's ass. Not that any of y'all would be interested in that...

Fine, fine. Have a screencap. In the Christmas spirit.

Meanwhile, Yuuri's parents are worried about him and Shouri's crying over a dating sim.

But then everybody finally arrives! In the bathtub! Together! Awkward! :D

After what I can only presume is a delicious curry dinner, Murata heads home, leaving Yuuri to study with Wolfram and Conrad looking after him.

Yuuri kicks his mother out of his room for distracting him from chemistry and begins considering Anissina's invention...

But then Shouri barges in and a game of keep-away begins with the helmet in dispute.

Shouri winds up slamming the helmet down on Yuuri's head and a bright light fills the room.

And then...?

Yuuri regains consciousness, but something's wrong. Why is everything so fuzzy and out-of-focus? Things clear up once his mother hands him his glasses.

Ah, crisis resolved. Except... Wait a minute. Glasses?

While he desperately tries to recall what happened, he sees himself sitting at the kitchen table at other end of the room!

And even weirder, his other self is calling him "big brother." What's going on here?

After asking for a mirror, it becomes obvious. Yuuri and Shouri have switched bodies!

Meanwhile, in Shin Makoku, Anissina is explaining to Günter how, in very rare circumstances, her device can cause exactly such a thing to occur. And apparently, it has done so just recently, as Dakaskos and Ao seem to be acting very strangely...

Back on Earth, Yuuri and Shouri discuss what has happened to them, out of everyone's earshot.

Wolfram walks in to inform Yuuri of a doctor's appointment and can't figure out why "Shouri" responded to him. Shouri corners Yuuri and says that they should continue pretending to be one another so that they won't worry anyone. Riiight, 'cause that makes a whole lotta sense.

As the doctor examines "Shouri," the real Shouri lets him know that if he has to go to the hospital, everyone will end up seeing Shouri - in Yuuri's body - buying the newest dating sim. Yuuri does not approve of this.

Shouri continues calling Yuuri "big brother," much to Yuuri's dismay. Conrad and Wolfram are confused.

At breakfast, Yuuri's dad asks him how his studying is going and Yuuri forgets he's in Shouri's body and responds, making an ass of himself again. Or rather, letting Shouri make an ass of him again. (Shouri's a real jerk in this episode! S'weird.)

However, Shouri does offer to take Yuuri's exams in his place, since they can't figure out a way to get back to Shin Makoku with Yuuri stuck in Shouri's body.

Rodriguez comes to pick up "Shouri" for his daily routine of meeting politicians and royalty. Which is kinda awesome.

After the commercial break, we find Yuuri in Bob's personal dojo. This can't end well.

However, it would seem that Shouri's muscle memory has stayed with his body, giving Yuuri a fighting chance.

Meanwhile, out on the city streets, Shouri berates Conrad and Wolfram for not doing a better job as his bodyguards. Meanie. Wolfram seems even more confused, while Conrad looks like he's having a grand old time. Maybe Conrad likes being scolded?

After coercing Conrad and Wolfram into waiting in line for his new dating sim, Shouri remarks to himself that friendship isn't needed between a king and his servants. (Seriously, did Shouri just wake up on the jackass side of the bed this morning?)

Back in Bob's dojo, Yuuri's getting his ass handed to him. :D

Yuuri asks why he's training, since the role of Earth's Maou should have already ended after the fiasco with the four boxes was resolved. Bob responds that Shouri's role is to protect Yuuri. "Shouri" responds that Yuuri is able to take care of himself now.

Afterwards, Bob lets Rodriguez know that the man in his dojo isn't Shouri Shibuya.

Rodriguez no comprende.

Later that night, Yuuri comes home to find Shouri receiving a massage from Conrad and Wolfram, while playing his new dating sim. Conrad continues grinning like an idiot, whereas Wolfram looks positively traumatized.


Shouri says that it's only natural for servants to do the king's shopping. Yuuri gets mad and exclaims that he's never thought of Conrad and Wolfram as his servants, not even once! They're his friends!

Wolfram doesn't understand why "Shouri" is saying these things.

Yuuri and Shouri get into a genuine argument about the best way to become the Maou, letting slip their real names in the process.


Murata can tell right away what's happened, but Wolfram still hasn't quite caught on. Aww, bless. He's pretty, but he ain't too bright. Murata explains that Yuuri and Shouri have switched bodies, something that everyone but Wolfram (and Yuuri's dad) had already figured out.

Yuuri decides that he's going to try to return to Shin Makoku in Shouri's body. So out we go, to the inflatable kiddy pool in the backyard!

Shouri notices that there's a full moon out, just like there was that Christmas...

FLASHBACK TIME! And a rather pretty insert song!

After Yuuri asked for the moon, Shouri went to get a bucket of water. The moon's reflection appeared on the surface of the water in the bucket, but that just isn't good enough for Yuuri. He wanted to use the moon as a ball to play catch with Shouri!

All together now: D'AWWW~

Back at the kiddie pool, Shouri uses Yuuri's water magic to pull up the water that was reflecting the moon, somehow keeping the moon's reflection captured within...

And so Shouri is able to keep his promise to play catch with Yuuri using the "moon," somehow switching their bodies back to normal in the process.

Yuuri, Murata, Wolfram and Conrad travel back to Shin Makoku in the same moment.

Murata doesn't know exactly how that happened, except that it had "something" to do with the full moon.

...And that's as much of an explanation as we're gonna get.


Yuuri gazes at the full moon, something Earth and Shin Makoku both share, when Murata reminds him that he still needs to study for his finals.

Well, shit.

My thoughts?

Kids, the moral of this story is... Um... Don't take shortcuts to study for finals? Don't treat your little brother's friends like servants? Don't obey the laws of physics when Christmas presents are involved? I don't really know, y'all tell me. XD

Next Episode: episode 93, hosted by neocloud9.
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