G&G Yahoo Group!

Dec 30, 2006 23:19

Hello everyone! I hope you're all having awesome holidays!! I was looking through the yahoo groups and there arent very many on KKM, and none relating to Gwendal or Gunter at all! So I thought, "Hey, I'll make one!" Basically its a conveniant place to house your artwork, fanfics and to chat with everyone. So its kinda like this group, except its easier to find things maybe? I dunno. At least come check it out, I havent posted any fanart on there because I would prefer to get all of the artists permission first! So if you want, tell me the title of your picture, give me the link, and I'll post it with full credit. Or just join and post it yourself, whatever works best for you guys! I really hope everyone will enjoy it and make some new friends too! <3

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