*edited The Perfect Gift*

Dec 01, 2005 12:40

Title: The Perfect Gift
Author: Amatite (Anrui_no_Tenshi)
Date Written: 11/30/05-12/01/05 *I was up hours writing this because I couldn't stop!*
Rating: NC 17 or R
Word Count: 2878 *almost 3000!*
Characters/Pairings: Yuuri/Gunter/Gwendal, Yuuri/Wolfram , Implied: Ulrike/Sage, Sage/Yozak, Cheri/Raven, Conrad/Julia, Annishina/random Lady, Gisela/Dorcas.
Warnings: has some refs. to my other story I've been writting...Content has some serious twists.
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: Not mine
*Edit.. Added Gisela.. I forget to include her in my list of name. *horrid, how could i forget his daughter!* I made up for it though :) Enjoy!

A/N: This has some of the parts in the story from my Dangerous Love series *still in process*.

Gunter thought of the perfect gift but he couldn’t think of any.  He had a list of people to give gifts, but was stuck on what to get them.




Wolfram *deserves coal for taking my man.  -_-*

Annishinna *scared*


The Sage


The days passed and he began to worry.  His mind began to play trick on him, since he was spending so many hours of his night staying up thinking.  This gave way to delusions during the day, and it was frankly scaring the hell out of everyone.  Apparently, he had been walking around his room naked and slipped into the hall without realizing it.  He walked past Gwendal's room and was immediately pulled in.

“What in the hell are you doing Gunter?” Gwendal asked trying to hide the more than obvious blush.  “Neh, what are you talking about?” Gunter responded slowly and in a glazed over state.  “What are you doing in my room?”  He added and then quickly sat on the floor covering himself up.  “What am I doing here? Why am I not in my room?...And WHY am I naked?!?”

“I was going to ask you that Gunter.”  Gwendal looked over Gunter, and took his over coat off and placed it on his shoulders.  “I thought that you stopped sleep walking when we were kids.  I guess some things never change.” Gwendal added with a sigh shaking his head.

If the original king could give Gwendal one thing, it would be Gunter wrapped up in a big lavender bow with silver tinsel spread over him to make him shine.  Gwendal pictured this in his head and his blush became even more prevalent.  He had to turn from Gunter.  “Hey, Gunter…what do you want for Christmas?”  Gunter sat and twiddled his fingers for a moment.

Hmm… how do I say I want Yuuri in a little bell collar and a nice big bow wrapped around his mid section.  Gunter coughed and his entire face was red.  And how do I tell him I wouldn’t mind him there with a leash around his neck and a little self-knitted bow around him.  Gunter nearly lost his breath with the thought of having both Gwendal and Yuuri in his room for him.  “Um, I guess that I might like a big knitted bow.” He coughed out.

“A WHAT?” Gwendal turned around and saw Gunter nearly purple from his own lack of breath.  “Gunter, whatever you’re thinking about…I’m not sure if I want to know.  But, BREATH damned it.”  He walked over and pulled him up from the ground and in to his arms for a brief second.  Gunter leaned on him a little and Gwendal got a little scared at how close Gunter allowed him to be.  “Do I want to know who the bow is really for?” Gwendal asked cautiously putting his hand out to catch Gunter if he fainted.

But he didn’t faint.  “Ano…the Bow…is for…” Gunter fumbled through his words.  You know, he’s blushing, I know he cares, so why can’t I get the power to tell him.  It’s not as if I’m some sniveling submissive scared man.  He gained his composure and went completely into his serious, honest voice.  “You…”  This time Gunter was the one to hold his hands out to catch a seriously fainting Gwendal.

When Gwendal came to, he was sitting in his desk chair with Gunter sitting on the desk in front of him.  Could you be any crueler Shinou.  Gwendal thought as he looked at the highly tempting still most-of-the-way naked Gunter.  He flicked his head down in the reality that he was staring at Gunter with a wicked grin on his lips.  He replayed the scene in his head.  “Wait, did you just say that…the bow was for me?” Gwendal finally asked still facing down.  Gunter cleared his throat and lifted Gwendal’s chin to look at him.  “Yes, I did.” He brushed the side of Gwendal’s face.  “I hope that I wasn’t too forward with that.”  He got up and wrapped the coat around him tighter.  “I’m sorry” Gunter said as he walked out of the door.

He was pretty sure he might be getting one of the gifts he wanted.  Maybe this sleep walking thing could pay off.  BINGO!  Find Yuuri…  Gunter paced down the hall and noticed Yuuri waiting in his study.  “Majesty, what are you doing here?” he asked lightly but confused.  Yuuri was facing the closed curtains.  “I was waiting for you.  This feeling…this season…has been interesting.”  Yuuri turned to face Gunter and slipped to the floor as he saw Gunter in Gwendal’s coat and obviously nothing else.  He coughed and then looked depressed.

“Hmm… maybe I shouldn’t have come.”  He looked at his pocket and pictured the piece of paper with a list of special things to say to Gunter.  Gunter ran across the room and picked Yuuri up.  “Majesty, are you alright?!?”  He held him tightly and forgot his naked state.  “Gunter, why are you in Gwendal’s…” Yuuri started to ask in a voice not quite his own.  Gunter knew that voice.  “Why are you in his coat?” he continued.  Yuuri’s hair began to get a little longer.  Gunter grabbed tighter to Yuuri and kissed him.  My maou, my love, please relax.  If he only knew…  “Don’t worry love, nothing much happened.”  He brushed fingers through Yuuri’s hair.  “So, what did you come here for?”

“I came here to find out what you want for Christmas.  I’ve been thinking for way too long, and that’s not good for me!” he finished saying in his normal frustrated voice.  “Gunter…you wouldn’t…”  “Majesty, I love you and you know it.”  Can I say this next statement without seeming unfaithful?  “Gwendal might be fun for us both.  He’s more submissive than you would think.”  Gunter swallowed.  He knew he was risking a forbidden love to introduce something even more forbidden.  “Is that what Master wants?”  Yuuri asked slowly and unevenly.  He looked at him with eyes full of pain.  “I want you, but I think that I want you to surprise me even more.”  That gave Yuuri and idea.  He smiled a smile that no one but Gunter knew.  “Yuuri, are you sure you’ve the time?”  Gunter asked leaning down to nip Yuuri’s collar.  “No, actually I don’t have the time.  How’s about my study time this afternoon?”  Yuuri asked tugging off the remained of Gwendal’s coat.  “Mmmm…now, you’re the perfect gift.”  Well, it seems he’s answered that question… Gunter thought.

Gunter looked at his list.  He had finally gotten everything on it.

Yuuri- myself and some extra special things (large bow included)… ^_^

Gwendal- a deep purple leash with dark green woven in.

Conrad- A painting of Julia, Conrad, Yuuri and a child.  Julia and Conrad with smiles on their faces as Julia held the child that had Conrad’s smile but Julia’s sweet face.  Yuuri held some flowers named “Amanda-Deserving of Love”.

Wolfram *deserves coal for taking my man.  -_-*  A new little leather number that might entertain Yuuri.

Annishina *scared* The address of one of the Ladies that she had secretly fancied for 30 years and knew no way to reach her.

Cheri- A new bottle of perfume and 2 tickets to a play…one with Raven’s name scripted on it.

The Sage- The spare key to Yozak's Room as well as a note about how special the priestess are.

Ulrike- The key to the Sages Room.

Gisela- A new whip for her collection and a little Sergeants hat….

He laughed as he read down the list in his head.  I think that some people might want to kill me.  Oh, the interesting things you know being me.  “And people think that I’m just some lovesick man.  They really should look at themselves.”  He sighed.  “Well, this will be the year of love, if I have anything to do with it!”

It was the day before Christmas and it was also the night of the week that Yuuri was known to not allow Wolfram to be with him.  Yuuri knocked on Gwendal’s door.  “Gwendal, are you there?” he asked lightly.  “What do you want?”  “Are you alone?”  Gwendal opened his door to see Yuuri holding something behind his back.  “Again, what do you want Majesty” Gwendal asked glowering.  “Can I come in, or is someone with you?”  Yuuri asked peeking his head past Gwendal.  “No one is here!  Get in here.  You look like a fool in the hall.”  Gwendal pushed him inside and shut the door.  “Now…”  “I’ve come to take you to Gunter.”  Yuuri spat out quickly in a cross between his voice and the Maou’s voice.  Gwendal stood there mouth dropped to the floor.  He fixed him self and looked questioningly at Yuuri.  “What?  Why would he send you as a messenger boy?”  What the hell is with this kid.  And how did he know I was going to make myself a gift to Gunter?  “I guess you’d better come with me and find out.”  Yuuri said as the Maou.  Yuuri showed Gwendal a black collar with little bows on it.  “This will be for you, but I think that you have to wait to wear it.”  Gwendal looked at it and raised his eye.  “This is from Gunter?”  “NO!  This is from me, just shut up and follow me!”  Yuuri finally said as Gwendal stared at him.

“Where is your little attachment?”  Gwendal asked as they walked down the hall.  He was fiddling with the knitted bow he had made.  It was really huge and wasn’t sure why Gunter had asked for such a bow, but he had his ideas. “Your Brother” Yuuri said a bit snappy “is most likely whining in his room that I won’t let him sleep with me tonight.  He hates this night of the week, when I lock him out of my room.”  Gwendal just looked at Yuuri oddly.  What is with this Maou?  This is a side of him that I don’t think I’ve seen, but I think…I think that I like it.  Maybe…  “Are you really taking me to Gunter… or do you…”  “YES!  Don’t question me again.”  The Maou surfaced.  Gwendal really liked this side of him.  Maybe he was going after the wrong man.

They arrived outside of Günter’s room.  “Kneel” Yuuri commanded to Gwendal.  Gwendal didn’t hesitate this time, he knew that Yuuri would easily crush him if he did.  Yuuri placed the collar on him and brushed down Gwendal’s hair so that it was perfectly loose and flowing down his back.  “You will appear perfect to Gunter, you miss step and you will see what I can do.”  Yuuri warned him as his gently touched Gwendal’s face.  The power in this boy is so different than I thought that it would be.  Where in the hell has he been hiding this side.  Maybe I should ask Wolfram…  “Yes Majesty…” was all he managed to say before Yuuri opened Günter’s door with a key that he’d never seen before.  Yuuri walked in and smiled at Gunter.  “I’ve brought you my gift Master.” Yuuri said happily.  He grabbed Gwendal’s hand and pushed him forward.  “It’s even wrapped” Yuuri laughed as he jumped onto Günter’s bed to watch the both of them.  Gunter was right, this would be fun for them both.

“Do you like Master?”  Yuuri asked happily but also hopeful.  “Gwendal…” Gunter said as he walked over and touched the collar.  “It does fit you.  Do you know why you’re here?”  Gwendal blushed brightly and then remembered Yuuri's warning.  He sternly said “I think that it has to do something with the item you asked about for Christmas.”  Holding out a knitted bow.  Günter’s eyes went huge.  “Oh, you actually made it.  Does it fit you?”  He smirked at the last bit.  Gwendal shook his head in agreement.  “Perfect.  Put it on.  I’ll get you the little gift to go with it.”  Gunter said walking towards the bed.  Gwendal looked positively stunned.  The boy was in the room…  “Gwendal, need I remind you…”  Yuuri said as he stepped off the bed towards him.  “Do I need to do it for you?” He asked as he approached.

Gunter turned around.  “Actually, Gwendal, that might be fun.  How’s about you allow Yuuri to undress you for me.  That would make a fine addition to this gift.”  Yuuri was slightly flushed about touching another man beyond Gunter and Wolfram.  Damned it Murata, what has your yaoi manga done to me. He thought as he touched Gwendal’s pants.  “I won’t hurt you”  Yuuri added as he slowly unbuttoned his pants.  “I won’t hurt you either” Gwendal said leaning over to show his submission to Yuuri.  His pants fell to the floor and he shook them off and over to the wall.  Yuuri pointed to the ground.  “Kneel”  Gwendal did responsively.  Yuuri removed his over-shirt and then the thin white shirt underneath.  Yuuri took the knitted bow and instead of placing it on Gwendal, he leaned in and kissed his cheek.  Yuuri then walked over to Gwendal where he kneeled and bowed holding the bow out to him.  “My master…”  Yuuri said as he held it out to him.  Gunter took the bow in one hand and with the other, he scooped Yuuri up into his arms with a kiss.  Placing him back down he turned Yuuri to face Gwendal.  Gunter placed a jingling collar around Yuuri’s neck.  He leaned down and whispered in Yuuri’s ear.  Yuuri’s face got a bright red shade but the smile showed how happy he was.  He slowly turned to face Gunter and very slowly and calculatedly removed his own clothing.  Leaving his muscular body to be seen by Gwendal.  Gunter wrapped a rather large piece of ribbon around Yuuri’s waist.  Gwendal could tell that Gunter was making it into a bow on the front.  Yuuri turned around and blinked.  “Does it suit me Gwendal?”  He asked looking for some sort of style advice.  Gwendal felt strangely attracted to Yuuri and his bow.  “Actually, it does suit you Majesty.”  Gunter smiled and stroked the side of Yuuri’s face.  He walked over and gently tied the knitted bow around Gwendal.  “I guess it does fit.”  Gunter said with a smile.  “Might even be a little small.” He added with a raised brow and a grin.  Yuuri walked over and kneeled next to Gwendal.

Gunter looked over his two gifts.  “Well, well.  I think that I might be the luckiest man in all of the worlds this night.”  “You deserve it love.”  Yuuri said smiling.  “OH!”  Gunter jumped up.  I actually had a surprise for you Yuuri.  Now I guess it is a surprise for the both of you, but I doubt you’ll mind.”  Gunter went behind the curtain clothes cover and came back out in his own rather large lavender bow.  He had placed a few strands of silver tinsel over his shoulders and some under the bow.  Gwendal’s mouth hit the floor.  Praise Shinou. “Now, I think that we are all perfect gifts for each other.”  Both Yuuri and Gwendal shook their heads in agreement.

The next morning at breakfast, everyone was giving their gifts.  Conrad opened his and smiled.  He knew that Gunter had to have had this made very specially for him, to have the detail it did.  He also noticed “For your forever love” painted in Gunter’s script on the back.  “It’s beyond words.  It’s perfect…” Conrad said nearly in tears of happiness.

Annishina simply looked at the paper and blew a kiss to Gunter.  “I need to find a new test subject don’t I.” She giggled as she ran out of the room yelling “Perfect!” A loud boom was heard as she left the castle on one of her strange creations for fast travel.  Everyone took a deep breath of relief.

Murata looked at the key and held it.  He nearly blushed.  “Really Gunter?” he asked as he read the paper.  He had been wondering what to do for Ulrike…and he knew now, besides he knew the key was for someone else that had been secretly watching them.  “Perfect.”  Yozak whispered to himself as he watched the Sage with glistening eyes.  “Thank you Gunter, I’ll take that into mind.” The Sage said smiling.

Cheri-sama was abnormally quiet.  She was looking at the tickets and was rubbing her finger over the named ticket.  She began to look tearful.  Jumping across the room, she took Gunter in her arms.  “This is beyond perfect.  This is the best gift anyone has given me besides my sons” she said honestly.

Gisela only looked in the package from her father. She made a slight coughing sound. “Father…” she looked at him questionably. She knew that she was one of the only people that knew of her fathers ‘extra-curricular activities’, but how did he know. Wait…he had taught her. “Um, who were you thinking…” Gunter simply smiled. “I think that’s more for you to choose isn’t it.” He turned his head to the side and gave her a wink that she knew meant something very much hidden. Gisela got up from the table and took her box with her. Short moments later her voice was heard calling “Dorcas” and the obedient “Yes ma’am” shortly followed. Gunter grinned. I guess that he should have been the other person on the list.

There was a weird sound coming from Wolframs direction.  His face was brighter than a red marker and his eyes were so wide that he looked like a bee.  “Gunter…”  he began to say as Yuuri looked in the opened box in Wolframs lap.  Yuuri leaned in a kissed Wolframs cheek.  “You mean to say it’s perfect right?” Yuuri asked Wolfram elbowing him.  Wolfram coughed.  “Yes, it’s the perfect gift… for us…”

Gunter knew that he really had the best gift.  Both of the men that loved him gave him a night to remember and no one else would ever know.

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