[Mod Post] Inappropriate behavior and a reminder of the rules

Jul 28, 2008 20:09

I wish to begin by saying thank you to everyone who has made this challenge a success so far. We are so thrilled that so many of you continue to show interest. And remember, it is never too late to start posting for the challenge this round! 28 submissions is only the goal.

Now on to something a bit more serious.

It has come to our attention that an unnamed individual has private messaged some of our participants and expressed opinions that may not have been acceptable. Let us be clear: The purpose of this community is for individuals to have fun and share their creativity with one another. We will not accept anyone ruining everyone's fun, making others feel unwelcome or giving this community that all of us have worked hard at a bad reputation.

Please refer to the rules if you have not done so already. They are important and there for a reason.

If there are any other incidents like this in the future, and we hope there will not, the individual will be banned from participating and commenting on this community.

As a reminder to everyone else: Please, contact us for anything at all, especially if problems arise. That is what we are here for. We want you here, we want you to have fun and we want to make sure that everyone feels welcome at all times.

Comments to this post are screened. If an incident similiar to the one described has occurred to you, please let us know.

mod post

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