Round 14 voting extention and update on points

Jun 29, 2008 22:51

We've decided to extend the time for week 14 voting until next Sunday. Voting will be closed at 9pm EST along with the submission deadline for Round 15.

The point charts have been updated up to round 13, and you will see that I changed the format a bit. The chart is now broken down by rounds of ten and then separated by LJ names: A-M is one chart, and N-Z is another chart. Please check out here to see what I am referring to.

If you don't see yourself on the most recent chart it means you did not submit anything for rounds 11-13. You should see yourself on the chart for rounds 1-10 though! If someone who is not on the current chart submits in a future round, their name will be added to the chart.

If you have any questions about it, please let me know.

Other things about points: We have changed the format for the fanfiction point system. It now looks like this:

One drabble (100 words exactly) or simple execution, edited/betaed: 1 point
One ficlet (101-899 words, edited/betaed): 2 points
One fic (one-shot, 900 words or more) edited/betaed: 3 points
One 2,500+ word fic or a Multi-part story, edited/betaed: 4 points

This system will go into effect starting with Round 15

Finally, as a bonus, we're throwing out some extra points to say thank you to those who comment! (And because we like to give away prizes, hehe.)

Special Points for Round 15 only: Five additional points will be given to the person who comments in the most submissions. So, if everyone leaves a comment in every single submission, everyone would get five points! This is for Round 15 only. Round 16 will return to the person who leaves the most comments receiving 1 additional point.

mod post, point chart, voting

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